Archive for November 2022

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[Commlist] Call for papers Special Issue Journalism Studies Understanding News avoidance

Tue Nov 29 17:26:44 GMT 2022

Call for papers: Understanding News Avoidance: Paradoxes, Problems, and

The relationship between professionally produced news media and its
audiences is under strain as increasing numbers of people around the
world say they have little interest in news and actively avoid it. In
the existing literature, news avoidance is seen as a key characteristic
of today’s fragmented media environment, presenting a potential
challenge for democracy, for journalistic legitimacy, and for industry
business models. At the same time, news avoidance can be a reasonable
strategy for individuals to safeguard their own mental wellbeing in
response to a tumultuous and upsetting world. With growing scholarly
attention to the phenomenon, questions remain about how to fundamentally
understand different meanings and implications of news avoidance. In the
field of journalism scholarship, news avoidance could challenge key assumptions about how, why, and under what circumstances journalism
matters to individuals and to society more broadly. This special issue
of Journalism Studies seeks to advance understandings of news avoidance, by refining existing and developing new theories of news avoidance, and
by engaging in a critical discussion of implications of news avoidance
to journalism practice.

The special issue seeks contributions that focus specifically on news
avoidance and its implications for journalism but is open to a variety
of approaches to the topic. This includes conceptual and theoretical
work, systematic literature reviews, provocations and interventions,
future directions and research agendas, and empirical studies with
different contexts and methodologies, including qualitative,
  quantitative, mixed, comparative, and digital approaches. Importantly,
  all successful contributions must advance understandings of news
  avoidance in relation to journalism studies, and empirical studies
  should be clearly situated within journalism scholarship and contribute
  to theoretical and/or methodological developments. Potential topics
  include, but are not limited to:

  The challenges and opportunities that news avoidance brings to the
  social and democratic role of journalism
  News avoidance in the attention economy and digital media environment
  News avoidance in everyday life, the experiences of less frequent news
  users, and motivations and practices of different forms of avoidance
  Conceptual clarifications regarding avoidance of journalism or of news,
and news avoidance in relation to other forms of media ambivalence or
  Inequalities and intersectionality in news avoidance
  News avoidance and the role of journalism regarding climate change,
  pandemics, wars, elections, and other complex societal issues
  Counterstrategies to news avoidance.

No payment will be required.

Preparing Your Paper
Articles should be written with the following elements in the following order:
title page (including Acknowledgements as well as Funding and
grant-awarding bodies); abstract; keywords; main text; references;
appendices (as appropriate); table(s) with caption(s) (on individual
pages); figure caption(s) (as a list)
  Should be between 6000 and 9000 words, inclusive of the abstract,
tables, references, figure captions, endnotes.
Should contain an unstructured abstract of 200 words.
Should contain 6 keywords. Read making your article more discoverable,
including information on choosing a title and search engine optimization

Submit your article here: <>

Publication guidelines are available here:*1e2vdl3*_ga*Mjc1MDEwNTk1LjE2Njk2Mzc1NTE.*_ga_0HYE8YG0M6*MTY2OTYzNzU1Mi4xLjEuMTY2OTYzODIwNS4wLjAuMA <*1e2vdl3*_ga*Mjc1MDEwNTk1LjE2Njk2Mzc1NTE.*_ga_0HYE8YG0M6*MTY2OTYzNzU1Mi4xLjEuMTY2OTYzODIwNS4wLjAuMA>

Contact address editors:
Kim Andersen University of Southern Denmark and University of Gotenburg
(kand /at/

Benjamin Toff University of Minnesota and University of Oxford
(benjamin.toff /at/

Brita Ytre-Arne University of Bergen
(Brita.Ytre-Arne /at/

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