Archive for February 2019

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[Commlist] methods@manchester Summer School 2019

Tue Feb 05 17:08:59 GMT 2019

*methods@manchester Summer School – 1-12 July 2019***

*University of Manchester*

methods@manchester Summer School 2019 is now available for booking!

The seventh methods@manchester Summer School will be held at The University of Manchester from 1 July to 12 July 2019. Each course at the school will run for one week, offering four days of content to a five-day timetable (Monday afternoon to Friday lunch-time), building on successful methods@manchester and CMIST short-courses given throughout the year.

The school offers a range of specialised courses covering a variety of topics that are particularly relevant to postgraduate and ECR research in humanities and social sciences. The selection includes software training, qualitative and quantitative analysis, area studies, and research design. The course content is based on approaches from across the various schools in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Manchester.

We also offer daytime catering of the event, optional social outings during the summer school period, and advice on transport and accommodation if you are travelling to Manchester to attend a course.

*Available courses:*


1 – 5 July

·Introduction to Social Network Analysis using UCINET and Netdraw

·Introduction to Arc Pro

·Creative Approaches to Qualitative Research

·Generalized linear models: a comprehensive system of analysis and graphics using R and the Rcommander

·Getting Started in R: an introduction to data analysis and visualisation

8 – 12 July

·Introduction to Longitudinal Data Analysis using R

·Advanced Social Network Analysis

·Research Methods in Political Economy

·Quantitative Policy Evaluation

·/Data Visualisation Course (TBA)/


Full details about the methods@manchester Summer School are available at the methods@manchester website. <>


·Students - £600

·University of Manchester Staff - £600

·Other attendees - £900

/Pricing for Introduction to Longitudinal Data Analysis using R (longer 4.5 day course):/

·Students - £675

·University of Manchester Staff - £675

·Other attendees - £1,000

*Bursaries Available*

We will be offering bursaries for the Summer School. Please contact us if you would like to apply for one, reducing the cost of attending the Summer School from £600 to £300. Please note that priority will be given to UoM Humanities students.

Bursary applications may be made to (methods /at/ <mailto:(methods /at/>

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