Archive for November 2018

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[ecrea] CfP European Media Management Association (emma) 2019 in Cyprus

Mon Nov 05 14:01:26 GMT 2018

      The European Media Management Association(emma) is currently
      accepting paper and poster submissions for their annual conference
      which will take place in Limassol, Cyprus from 5–7 June 2019.

      The theme for the conference is "/Media Management and Actionable
      Knowledge: The Relationship between Theory and Practice/".

      To review the official call please refer to
      <>   or:
      _ _

      Abstracts are due January 31st, 2019.

      Applications are also being accepted for the "/Early Career
      Researcher emma Annual Conference Grant 2019/."

      If you have any questions regarding the conference, please contact
      the conference host: Prof. Dr. Stavros Georgiades,
      ( /at/ <mailto:( /at/>


Media Management and Actionable
Knowledge: The Relationship between
Theory and Practice
2019 Annual Conference of
the European Media Management Association (emma)
Limassol, 5–7June, 2019
Hosted by
Cyprus University of Technology (CUT), Cyprus
Deadline for abstract submission: 31 January, 2019.
Early career researcher emma conference grants available

Media Management and Actionable
Knowledge: The Relationship between Theory
and Practice
Digital  technology  and  changing  consumption  habits
are  driving  media
organisations  to  gain  more  insights  into  their  audi
ences.  At  the  same  time,
they  are  required  to  identify  sustainable  revenue  m
odels  while  also  creating
innovative  content  on  different  platforms  to  offer
audiences  compelling
experiences.  At  times  like  these,  a  call  for  more  a
ctionable  approaches  by
media   management   scholars   and   practitioners   can   con
tribute   to   our
comprehension of the aforementioned disruptions.
Actionable   knowledge   reflects   an   organisation’s   lea
rning   capability   to
connect heterogeneous elements (social, political,
economic- technological)
so  as  to  inform  future  action.  Its  focus  is  on  (lea
rning)  practice  as  a  form  of
self-organisation that is fluid, dynamic and emerge
nt. Actionable knowledge
is therefore pragmatic engagement with the social c
omplexity of organising
and is thus a central concern in organisation studi
es on at least two levels.
First, it illustrates the relationship between theo
ry and practice and shows the
impact  of  organisational  research  through  the  gener
ation  of  actionable
knowledge  i.e.  knowledge  implementable  by  the  stake
holders  whom  it  is
intended  to  engage  (business  practitioners,  policy-
makers,  researchers).
Second,  it  seeks  to  advance  our  theoretical  underst
anding  of  the  nature  of
action  as  a  phenomenon  as  well  as  the  relationship
between  action  and
knowledge (modes of knowing) in organisations. Atte
ntion is on the conditions
that  underpin  the  relationship  between  knowledge  an
d  action  and  the
potential benefits and outcomes for organisations w
ho succeed in effectively
‘managing’  both  what  they  know  and  how  they  act  on
what  they  know.
After all, - “there is nothing so practical as a go
od theory”-, according to Kurt
Lewin’s famous 1943 assertion.
By  addressing  this  call,  the  2019  Annual  Conference
  of  the  European  Media
Management  Association  (emma)  in  Limassol,  Cyprus  i
nvites  papers  relating

to  the  following  key  questions,  aiming  to  explore  t
he  relationship  between
media management theory and practice through action
able knowledge:
How  can  media  management  research  best  result  in  ac
How  can  management  transfer  and  share  actionable  kn
owledge  in
media organisations?
What  are  the  mechanisms  by  which  actionable  knowled
ge  can  be
operationalised for media stakeholders?
What influences decision-making in media?
How rational (based on knowledge) is decision makin

In terms of topics, we welcome both paper and poste
r proposals that address
either  the  specific  conference  theme  or  more  genera
l  issues  regarding  the
management  of  media  organisations.  Topics  of  releva
nce  include  (but  are
not limited to):
actionable knowledge
digital transformation
big data
creativity simulation
media consumer trends
media value chains
copyright issues
competition of audiovisual platforms
brand management
working and labour conditions
media entrepreneurship (special interest group)
ICT & innovation in media companies (special intere
st group)
emerging media markets (special interest group)
strategic media management (special interest group)
media policy & regulation (special interest group)
Find    information    about    emma’s    special    interest    grou
ps    here:

Call for Papers
Submissions  for  the  emma  conference  are  invited  as
paper  proposals  in  the
form  of  abstracts  (500–750  words)  followed  by  a  ful
l  paper  (6000  words
maximum),  if  the  abstract  is  accepted.  The  abstract
  should  address  the
following evaluation criteria:
– relevance to the academic field of media manageme
– theoretical background and rationale for selectio
– research methodology and description of the empir
ical data used,
– clear summary of the main results,
– originality and contribution to the field’s knowl
– practical implications (for business and/or polic
All  submissions  will  go  through  the  process  of  doub
le  peer  review by  experts
nominated to the conference’s Scientific Committee.
Paper  submissions  should  be  uploaded  to  emma’s  onli
ne  submission  tool
by 31 January 2019.
Full  papers  can  be  considered  for  the  Best  Paper  Aw
ard  (€300)  and  for  the
Special JOMB Issue only if they are submitted befor
e 20 April 2019.
Call for Posters
Similar  to  the  Call  for  Papers,  we  welcome  poster  p
roposals  that  address
either  the  specific  conference  theme  or  other  topic
s  relevant  to  the  field  of
media  management.  Different  from  the  papers  (which
participants  will
present  orally),  posters  should  introduce  on-going
and  future  research
projects.  The  focus  is  less  on  the  results  of  such
projects  rather  than  the
research  question(s)  and  methodology.  Ideally,  part
icipants  will  look  for
cooperation partners through such posters. The post
ers will be exhibited in a
prominent  place  at  the  conference  venue  throughout
the  conference.
Whoever is interested in presenting a poster, shoul
d submit an abstract (500–
750 words) that addresses the following evaluation
– goals of the ongoing or intended research project
– research questions and hypotheses,
– research methodology and description of the empir
ical data used,
– description of the project team and collaboration
– intention: why I want to present my project at th
e emma conference
–expected  outcomes:  what  I  want  to  gain  from  this  p
resentation  at  the
emma conference
– possibility of assigning the project to an emma s
pecial interest group (where
Poster submissions should be made via the online fo
by 31 January 2019.
If their poster proposal is accepted, participants
will receive clear guidance in
terms of poster size, format, etc.
Important Dates
31 January, 2019
Deadline for abstract submissions (papers
and posters)
28 February, 2019
Notification of acceptance (papers and
Opening of conference registration
Opening of paper submissions
20 April , 2019
Deadline for full paper submissions
1 May, 2019
Closing of conference registration
5-7 June, 2019
emma 2019 Annual Conference “Media
and Actionable
Knowledge: The Relationship between
Theory and Practice”

arly  career  researchers  who  wish  to  apply  for  an  e
mma  conference  grant
(up to €1000) are referred to the Call for Applicat
ions published on the emma
website (
emma 2019 Annual Conference website:
Twitter: @emma_assoc
Faculty of Communication and Media Studies
Department of Communication and Internet Studies
Cyprus University of Technology (CUT)
30 Arch. Kyprianos Str.
3036 Limassol, Cyprus
Organising Committee:
Conference   Chair:   Prof.   Dr.   Stavros   Georgiades   -   CO
( /at/
Local Organising Chair: Prof. Nikos Tsapatsoulis
Program Committee Chairs: Dr Paraskevi (Evi) Dekoul
(dekoulou.e /at/
Dr Nicholas Nicoli (University of Nicosia)
Local team:
Prof. Georgios Panigyrakis
Dr. Dionysis Panos
Dr. Euripides C. Antoniades
Ms Evdoxia Kyriacou

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