Archive for September 2016

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[ecrea] Call for Papers - Imagining the Engaged Citizen and Public in the Age of Social Media

Mon Sep 19 18:05:37 GMT 2016

International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age (IJPADA)

Special Issue On: Imagining the Engaged Citizen and Public in the Age of Social Media

Submission Due Date

Guest Editor
Dr. Marco Adria

Scholars and practitioners with expertise and experience in the area of public engagement, involvement, and deliberation are cordially invited to submit a paper proposal for a forthcoming special theme issue of IJPADA on Imagining the Engaged Citizen and Public in the Age of Social Media, to be published in 2017.

The use of public-involvement methods, such as citizen juries, panels, and polling, has increased since their introduction in the 1970s. Policy areas that have benefited from these methods include electoral reform, land-use planning, environmental assessment processes, human reproductive technology development, and health care delivery. New opportunities and challenges are emerging as a result of the arrival of social media on mobile electronic devices.

In this context, questions arise concerning who and what the concepts of citizen and public are and should be for governments, civil society, and activitists using online networks for citizen engagement, involvement, and deliberation. Some of these many questions may be mentioned. Does the Habermasian deliberative citizen remain an appropriate model in the new context? Or is there an emergent model of the citizen to which we should attend? In what ways are citizens becoming more or less engaged? Are we witnessing the creation of new publics? If so, how should we understand and respond to them? What is the relationship of new concepts of the public to previously existing concepts? Is the new context contributing to more social and economic equality, or less? What are the prospects for democratic innovations in the age of social media?

The special issue will contribute to the scholarly and professional discourse about who and what the concepts of citizen and public are and should be for governments, civil society, and activists using online networks for citizen engagement, involvement, and deliberation. The international context of the topic will be emphasized, and studies from all political and cultural domains qualify for consideration. Qualitative multi-case or mixed-methods studies are encouraged, along with longitudinal studies using secondary data or original questionnaire surveys.

Recommended Topics
Topics to be discussed in the special issue may include, but are not limited to, the following:

* A new public or the old public revisited?
* Assessing models of civic engagement emphasizing electronic communication
* Comparing the polled citizen and the deliberative citizen
* Competing theories and theorists of democracy in the age of social media
* Increasing social and economic equality: Rhetoric and reality
* Citizen journalism and the future of broadcast news
* Changing conceptions of youth, minorities, women, and the aged as citizens
* Citizens united or citizens divided?
* Citizens as policy entrepreneurs
* Online deliberation and its effects
* The fate of Habermas’ theories of citizenship
* Re-emergence of the news gatekeeper
* Changing relationships between netizens and the public sphere

Submission Procedure
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit 500-word Paper Proposals for the special issue on or before January 9, 2017. All submissions must be original and may not be under review by another publication.

Authors of approved Paper Proposals will be invited to submit a full paper. Full papers will be reviewed on a double-blind, peer review basis. Please see Important Dates below.

Paper Proposals must follow APA style for reference citations. Before submitting a Paper Proposal, you must consult the publisher’s submission guidelines: <>.

Important Dates
January 9, 2017: Paper Proposal Submission Deadline (500 words)
January 23, 2017: Proposal Acceptance Notification
May 1, 2017: Full Paper Submission
July 3, 2017: Peer Review Results
September 4, 2017: Final chapter Submission
September 18, 2017: Final Acceptance Notification

All submissions and inquiries should be directed to the attention of:
Send inquiries and Paper Proposals electronically to Dr. Marco Adria: (marco.adria /at/ <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','(marco.adria /at/');>

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