Archive for September 2012

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[ecrea] CFP: 2nd International Symposium on Media Innovations and Private Television Conference, Brussels, April 2013

Fri Sep 28 18:54:15 GMT 2012

CALL FOR PAPERS: The second International Symposium on Media Innovations + Private Television conference

18-19 April 2013, Brussels - Belgium

IBBT-SMIT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) will organize the second International Symposium on Media innovations in cooperation with the University of Oslo (Norway).

Scholars, editors, producers, and executives from around the world will gather in Brussels to discuss innovation in the media industry. The Symposium is a small, but very intense conference that examines the state of media innovations. It addresses the challenges, the opportunities and the fundamentally changing ways media and entertainment companies can operate in the context of convergence and digitization. The first day will focus on evolutions in the different media sectors. The second day will be a co-organization with the Private Television Conference ( and will be dedicated to innovations in the television broadcasting industry.

The Media Innovations symposium explores how changing technologies, and changing modes of usage and engagement with media bring about innovation and transformation of the media industry and policy. We will work with a combination of industrial and academic panels to discuss the current trends and challenges in (a selection of) the following sectors: print, publishing, television, film, radio, advertising, gaming, social media,…

We invite submissions for papers on the following topics within these sectors:

*Innovating in formats

*Innovating in business models

*Innovating in delivery (trying to reach the consumer in new ways)

*Innovating in consumption practices (new roles of users)

Please email your 750-word extended abstract by 15 November 2012 to (info /at/

Abstract acceptance will be announced in December 2012. Full paper deadline 1 March, 2013. Best paper award will be announced during the conference.

For more information, please visit:

Dr. Wendy Van den Broeck
Senior researcher - project leader
IBBT - SMIT, Studies on Media, Information & Telecommunication
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Offices: Pleinlaan 9, 2nd floor.
B - 1050 Brussel
Tel: +32 2 629 10 59
Fax: +32 2 629 17 00
Mobile: +32 477 69 44 55

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