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[ecrea] EMMA 2013 Call for Papers

Thu Sep 27 21:37:57 GMT 2012

emma Conference 2013

13 – 14 June 2013

Bournemouth University

United Kingdom

Conference Call

Digital Transformations and Transactions: emma 2013

Selected Papers to be published in the International Journal of Media Management

There will be a Best Paper Prize

The past decade has seen a transformation in the way media companies understand and manage their varied businesses. Traditional mass media and telecommunications have converged in the context of digitalisation, giving rise to new technologies and platforms, re-orienting co-opetitive relations between media industries and sectors, and leading to early but apparently fundamental changes in audience consumption behaviours. The environment is characterised by instability in every relevant dimension of media operations, systemically, institutionally and operationally. This provides new opportunities for growth but also poses thorny problems associated with decline.

Proposals are invited for papers to be presented in the emma 2013 proceedings. These will be peer reviewed (blind). Reviewers welcome proposals addressing the theme of the conference. Special consideration will be given to international comparative studies and papers that clearly contribute to the development of media management theory and practice. Topics of particular relevance include:

· How media organisations are transforming their understandings of and approaches to doing business in the digital age (strategy, tactics, structures, products)

· Managing organisational capability, competency and dynamic capability under conditions of instability caused by rapid and uncertain changes

· Changing industry structure and characteristic relations between sectors

· Continuity and change in the positions, roles and functions of legacy media

· Publishing (of many types) in the digital environment, especially in comparison with traditional approaches and practices

· Trends, problems and issues in media policy and regulation

· Concerns and practices related to privacy in a networked digital environment

· The meanings and complications of authorship, and issues relating to the ownership and protection of Intellectual Property more generally, in this environment

· How audiences / users / consumers / citizens are changing in the digitised environment

· Drivers, inhibitors and development of participatory and social media cultures

· Emerging economic and business models for the digital economy in media

· The impact of disruptive technology in re-orienting models of many kinds

Submission Requirements and Review of Papers

Each submission will be an abstract (750-word maximum) formatted according to the following guidelines:

1. The first page will be separate (i.e. detachable) and will include the manuscript title, author names(s) and institutional affiliation(s), along with contact information for each author.

2. Beginning on the second page, the abstract will begin with the title of the manuscript and 5 to 7 keywords, followed by the abstract. The pages should be numbered, please. The abstract must be in English, the conference language.

The substance of the abstract will provide a clear summary of the relevance this paper will have for and to the conference theme; will stipulate the theoretical grounding and framework; will outline the methodology employed if an empirical study; will demonstrate links to the most relevant literature; will suggest anticipated (or known) findings and lessons learned.

All submissions will be peer reviewed in blind fashion by the Scientific Committee (at least two for each submission).

Note: Papers recommended by the Scientific Committee for submission to the International Journal of Media Management may be additionally reviewed by the Journal’s editorial board, according to the journal’s editorial policies.

Please send your submissions to Barbara Eklöf ((Barbara.Eklof /at/ An acknowledgement will be sent to you indicating that we have received your abstract. If you do not receive your abstract confirmation please follow-up.

John Oliver can be contacted for questions requiring clarification of this Call ((joliver /at/

Important dates:

January 4, 2013 = Deadline for reception of abstract submissions

February 1, 2013 = Notification of acceptance

May 6, 2013 = Deadline for submission of full papers

Papers submitted after May 6 will NOT be considered for the Best Paper Prize and may not be included in the printed programme for the 2013 conference.

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