Archive for September 2012

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[ecrea] 1st Annual Comic Conference of the University of Seville (15th-17th of November 2012)

Mon Sep 24 17:53:10 GMT 2012

Call For Papers

*1st Annual Comic Conference of the University of Seville (15^th -17th of November 2012) – “COMICS: FORMS & FUNCTION” - EXTENDED DEADLINE - 7TH OCTOBER*

There is no doubt that comics have made themselves a place in the realm of arts, among more traditional ones like literature, music or cinema. With hundreds of conventions all over the world taking place every year, international prestigious awards, some work with several thousands of copies sold worldwide, specialized literature and museums, comic, are stronger than ever, reassuring its place between the arts.

We are glad to introduce the *1st Annual Comic Conference of the University of Seville*, where prestigious researchers and academic writers will converge in an unprecedented event, that will be the first of many to come in successive years. So, from the 15th to the 17th of November of 2012, we will gather at the Facultad de Filología (School of Language and Literature) of the University of Seville.

We seek collaborations to explore comics from different perspectives, which can be monographic or transversal studies. The topics for proposals include, but are not restricted to, the following:

   * “El cómic social” (Comic with social message)
   * “El cómic digital” (Digital Comics)
   * “El cómic y sus transversales” (The comic and its influences)
   * “El cómic y la mujer” (Comics and Woman)

Submission of articles and proposals:

  1. 1. An abstract of no more than 300 words may be in Word,
     WordPerfect or RTF, in this order: a) Author (s), b) affiliation,
     c) email address, d) title of abstract, e) body of abstract. The
     email subject must be: Proposal for comic conference. The document
     must be sent in Times New Roman 12. Refrain from using a special
     text format.
  2. Proposals can be submitted in English, Spanish, or Italian.
  3. Abstracts submission deadline: before the *7th October of 2012*.
     Acceptance will be notified before *October 15, 2012*
  4. Doubts, questions, suggestions and proposals contact Mr. Ruiz
     Dávila  at ( /at/
     <mailto:( /at/>
  5. The full text of your contribution should be submitted after the

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