Archive for September 2012

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[ecrea] Association of Internet Researchers Annual Conference - ­ Draft Programme Now Available

Mon Sep 10 18:57:58 GMT 2012

The draft programme for the Association of Internet Researchers conference is now available and registration is still open.  You can access the draft programme via this link:

Registration is via the conference site at:

As always this is a truly interdisciplinary event and we have a fantastic keynote speaker lined up, Liesbet van Zoonen.  Lisbet is professor of media and communication at Loughborough University, UK and professor in media and popular culture at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands.

In addition we have two brilliant plenary panels at the conference.  For these our panelists are: Mary L. Gray (Microsoft Research and Indiana University), Larissa Hjorth (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology), Daniel Miller (University College London), Susanna Paasonen (University of Turku), Zizi Papacharissi (University of Illinois-Chicago), and Terri Senft (New York University).

The conference is running 18-21 October 2012, and is hosted by the School of Media, Music and Performance, University of Salford, at their

MediaCity:UK campus.

Do join us if you can, it should be a wonderful event!

Feona Attwood and Ben Light

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