Archive for May 2012

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[ecrea] cfp: Social Time and contemporary World

Tue May 08 19:13:30 GMT 2012

For more information, please visit the website

Call for Papers
A debate for Social Sciences and Humanities

Guest Speaker: Barbara Adam (Univ. Cardiff)
Date: 9 - 10 july, 2012
Place: “Sala de atos do ICS” – University of Minho
This seminar aims to provide discussions on the diversity of times and temporalities. Time is lived, experienced and manipulated. In modern societies, the transformation in the modes of use, performance and time control reaches into the deeper structures of institutions, manifesting itself in various ways: in decision-making, in organizational planning, in institutional interactions, as well as in the construction of individual and
collective identities.

Today, the analysis of temporal phenomena as well as changes in temporalities leads us to debate many aspects of society and politics, including those related to the immediate spheres of everyday life (working time and leisure), and to the mega-social temporalities (relationship between the natural and social world, change and

The themes to be included in the seminar will have a broad character, and can accommodate several proposals for subject areas in various formats, including performance. The only requirement is that they address time, temporality and duration
as primary objects of analysis.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
1. Time-space compression and the time-spaces of global capitalism
2. Media, time and technology
3. Time in economy, economics of time
4. Time and Law. Time and Justice.
5. Temporality (of) politics, drama and media
6. Reproduction, planning and forecast
7. Temporal horizons, self-identity and biography
8. Language, body, space and discourse
9. Systems, organizations, time and evolution
10. Time, calendar and symbol
11. Utopia and time

Abstracts, maximum 300 words for oral communications, posters or performance should be sent to the seminar organization ((temposocial2012 /at/ <mailto:(temposocial2012 /at/>) no later
than april 20th
*The results of the accepted proposals will be communicated on May 5th*, 2012. Enrolment: 10 euros for general audience; 5 euros for students (with participation
certificate) up to June 30.

Seminar “Social times and the contemporary world”
Instituto de Ciências Sociais
Universidade do Minho (Campus Gualtar)
4710-057 Braga

Scientific Committee:
Eduardo Duque (CICS/Univ. Minho)
Emília Araújo (CECS/Univ. Minho)
Helena Sousa (CECS/Univ. Minho)
Jean-Marc Ramos (Univ. Montpellier)
Manuel Carlos Silva (CICS/Univ. Minho)
Maria-Helena Augusto (Programa de pós-graduação Programa de Pós-Graduação
em Sociologia - FFLCH - Universidade de São Paulo)
Maria Johanna Schouten (CICS/Univ. Minho e CES/Uni. Beira Interior)
Moisés Martins (CECS, Univ. Minho)
Mónica Franch (Programa de pós-graduação Programa de Pós-Graduação em
Sociologia - FFLCH - Universidade de São Paulo)

Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS-Universidade do Minho)
Centro de Investigação em Ciências Sociais (CICS -Universidade do Minho)
Associação Portuguesa de Estudos do Tempo e SociedadeFormat for abstracts

Please send the abstract to (temposocial2012 /at/ <mailto:(temposocial2012 /at/> , in the following format:
 Upper border 2.5 cm
 Lower border 2.5 cm
 Left border: 3 cm
 Right border: 3 cm
Text structure:
• Title: Arial, 12, bold
• Author (s) identification:
a) Name and surname: Arial, 10, bold
b) Institution, contacts and e-mail: Arial, 10.
• The text:
300 words (maximum): Arial, 11, normal, justified
Spacing: 1.5pt

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