Archive for September 2011

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[ecrea] Graduate Fellowship, Sorbonne University (Paris, France)

Fri Sep 16 17:37:58 GMT 2011

a) Category: FELLOWSHIP
b) Contact: Kyle Schneider, (kyle.schneider /at/
<mailto:(kyle.schneider /at/>
c) Subject: Graduate Fellowship, Sorbonne University (Paris, France)

Information and Communication Sciences & Curricular Development
(Effective 27 August 2012)

CELSA, the Graduate School of Journalism and Communications of the
Sorbonne University, seeks an articulate and experienced
native-English-speaking researcher to play a key role in curricular
development and teaching in association with its languages department
and degree programs.

The Graduate Fellowship position will be composed of 10-12 hours of work
per week during the 2012-2013 academic year.  Coursework will be based
on a combination of teaching (classroom and tutorial settings) and
research on innovative forms of pedagogy, including case-study writing,
to further the fellow’s professional development.  Fellows will also
present their research plans and results to the academic community at
least once during the year-long fellowship.  The monthly stipend for the
position is €1,256.12 (after taxes) for the 12-month period based on a
Contrat de Lecteur in the French national education system.

Ideal candidates will possess proven knowledge of the Information and
Communication Sciences in an effort to promote a cross-cultural
understanding of the field to students and colleagues.  The candidate
must possess excellent written and spoken communication skills in
English.  Successful candidates will be able to communicate in French in
addition to being adept at using computer soft and hardware for
innovative pedagogical applications. An advanced university degree, some
teaching experience and specific research experience would also be assets.

All candidates wishing to apply should send a CV, a letter describing
the research to be pursued while a fellow and how scholarship will be
furthered at CELSA and with its research group (GRIPIC), two samples of
their scholarship, course syllabi and teaching evaluations (if
available) and two letters of reference to the University.  All
inquiries and applications should be directed by email to
(kyle.schneider /at/
<mailto:(kyle.schneider /at/> or by post to:
Mr. Kyle Schneider
Graduate School of Journalism & Communications (CELSA) – Université
77, rue de Villiers
92523 Neuilly-sur-Seine Cedex

Applications must be received before 1 March 2012.  All applicants will
be contacted during the month of March 2012.  CELSA’s policy is to
employ the best qualified personnel, while providing equal opportunity
for the advancement of employees and not to discriminate against any
person because of any condition or requirement which cannot be shown to
be justified. All applications are dealt with fairly and properly in
line with our policies and procedures.  Applicants from CELSA’s
international partner institutions will be given first priority for the
post.  However, all those interested are encouraged to apply.

A graduate school at the Sorbonne University, CELSA offers degree
programs in Journalism, Institutional Communications, Marketing +
Advertising, Media, Communications Management and Human Resources. It
awards an Undergraduate Degree (Licence), Master’s Degrees (Research and
Professional tracks) and an MBA in addition to Magistère and Doctorate
Degrees.  CELSA has pioneered interactive teaching since its creation in
1957. The trademark of the school is its foothold in academic and
professional worlds, demonstrated by its pedagogical supervision,
international outreach and placement of graduates in their chosen
professions through internship and work-placement programs.  Read more
at <>.
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