Archive for August 2011

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[ecrea] RIPE@2012 in Sydney, Australia! - Value for Public Money; Money for Public Value

Mon Aug 15 10:42:16 GMT 2011


*RIPE@2012 in Sydney, Australia!*

*/Value for Public Money; Money for Public Value/*

The 6^th bi-annual RIPE conference will bring together scholars and industry partners in public service media in Sydney, Australia from September 5 – 8, 2012. So please mark your calendars and begin making preparations to attend. Our sixth conference is co-hosted by the University of Sydney and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). A Call for Papers will be published in early autumn 2011, so please stay tuned for more information. We will begin updating the RIPE website soon ( <>).

This is the first RIPE conference hosted in the southern hemisphere and aims to broaden this unique initiative in public service media research and industry concerns beyond Europe and North America to embrace work in Oceania, South and South-east Asia. Accordingly, submissions are particularly invited from scholars of public service media in the global south. The language of the conference is English.

The conference is structured for ABC to host the first day as a forum that will feature keynote speakers and plenary sessions from industry, partly from Australia and also beyond. The University of Sydney is hosting the second and third days. Day 2 will feature approximately 60 paper presentations in three sessions across designated topical work groups that are relevant dimensions for exploring our theme. The topics will be announced with the Call for Proposals (CfP) this autumn. There will a two Steering Questions keyed to coming to some generalisable conclusions for the work of these groups relative to the conference theme. Eight to ten papers are selected for each workgroup to ensure plenty of time for fruitful discussion in the sessions. On Day 3 there is a moderated closing plenary dialogue in which a rapporteur from each work group presents its findings, contributing to the conclusions. After the conference, 15 to 20 authors of keynote addresses and papers will be invited to contribute a peer-reviewed chapter to a subsequent RIPE Reader published in the year following the conference (co-edited by Gregory Ferrell Lowe and Anne Dunn).

*Look out for the RIPE@2012 Call for Paper proposals!*

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