Archive for July 2011

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[ecrea] Critical Arts; S-N Cultural and Media Studies 25(2)

Tue Jul 26 13:53:59 GMT 2011

From 2011, Critical Arts will be appear five times annually.

/Critical Arts/ has been accepted for coverage in the Social Sciences Citation Index and the Arts & Humanities Citation Index from the 2009 volume onwards.


*Critical Arts*
South-North Cultural and Media Studies, 25(2) 2011

ISSN 0256-0046/ Online 1992-6049
Edited by K. G. Tomaselli


*Biopolitcal production, the common, and a happy ending: on Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri’s /Commonwealth
/Pier Paolo Frassinelli

‘Just give us the bones!’: theatres of African diasporic returns
Connie Rapoo

The global-local nexus: popular music studies and the case of Rastafari culture in West Africa

Frank Wittmann

Envisioning ancestors: staging of Khoe-San authenticity in South Africa

Michael P. Besten

The future of communication and media studies: we can drop our tools
Colin Chasi

Breaking the frame: cultural motivation in the production of an online artwork- the case of BoyBlack

Mehita Iqani

Material matters: stories of learning technology transfer
Janine Randerson

Horror and likeness: the quest for the Self and the imagining of the Other in /The sheltering sky/

Tarek Shamma

Revolutionary Cuban culture in review: theories, tensions, triumphs, and the struggle for universal social change
Clive W. Kronenberg

*Commentary essay


Painting our portraits: the state of contemporary San art in South Africa and its development potential, using !Xun and Khwe art as a case study
Wendy Irene van de Weg and Shanade Barnabas

*Short commentaries: under fire*


Reliving genocide: the work of Kurdish genocide victims in the Court of Justice
Rob Leurs

Photojournalism, media freedom and democracy
Keyan G. Tomaselli

The riches of embarrassment
Willemien Froneman

*Book reviews*


Media and communications industries in Nigeria: impacts of neoliberal reforms between 1999 and 2007 by A.A Olorunnisola

Reviewed by Babatunde Raphael Ojebuyi

Representing Bushmen South Africa and the origin of language by Shane Moran
Reviewed by Michael Wessels

Close to the sources: essays on contemporary African culture, politics and academy by Abebe Zegeye and Maurice Vambe

Reviewed by Mfaniseni Sihlongonyane

Keyan Tomaselli


   /Critical Arts: A Journal of South-North Cultural Studies/

c/o Culture, Communication and Media Studies

University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 4041, South Africa

(Ph) +27 (0)31 2602505

(Fax) +27 (0)31 2601519

(e-mail) (tomasell /at/ <mailto:(tomasell /at/> <>


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*_Where is /Critical Arts /Indexed: _*

*_ _*Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) [ISI ranked]

Arts and Humanities Citation Index

Alternative Press Index

ARTBibliographies Modern

British Humanities Index

Film Literature Index

Humanities International Index

Index to South African Periodicals

International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance

Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts

M L A International Bibliography

Periodicals Index Online

R I L M Abstracts of Music Literature

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