Archive for July 2011

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[ecrea] EuroCPR - 25-27 March 2012

Thu Jul 14 14:01:38 GMT 2011

*EUROCPR 2012** "**Policies for the future Internet" *

*SAVE THE DATE: **25, 26 and 27 March 2012*
Het Pand, Ghent (Belgium)

EuroCPR was founded in the 1980s by leading academics, studying communications, media and telecommunications policies. *The conference's aim* is to bring together scholars, sector representatives and policy makers to collaborate and provide an independent forum for debate on topical policy issues.

*The theme of the 2012 Conference will be "Policies for the future Internet". *The Internet is a fundamental part of society and of Europe’s and other regions’ economies. Whereas the Internet remained largely untouched by extensive public policies until the end of the 1990s (in comparison to telecommunications and mass media policies), several policies for the future Internet are emerging.

We invite scholars to critically reflect on the lessons learned over the last 10 years, and to contribute constructively to ongoing debates about policy and regulation for the future Internet.

The full *call for papers* and *more information* about the conference *will* *soon be available* on our website ( <>)

With kind regards,

The organization committee

*Contact*: (karen.donders /at/ <mailto:(karen.donders /at/>

*Evelien Rooms*
*Communications and Office Assistant
*IBBT - SMIT, Studies on Media, Information & Telecommunication
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Offices: Pleinlaan 9, 2nd floor.
B - 1050 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 629 16 65
Fax: +32 2 629 17 00
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