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[ecrea] Call for papers: PRism Journal 2011 Special Issue

Thu Aug 26 08:16:07 GMT 2010

>Call for papers: PRism Journal 2011 Special Issue
>Topic: Segmenting Publics  (winning topic, PRism Prize 2011)
>Due date: Full papers are due by January 28, 2011
>Topic summary:
>This special call asks the question, what is the climate of publics-based r=
>esearch in public relations, and what are current challenges and approaches=
>  to the strategic segmentation of publics by organisations?
>Vasquez and Taylor (2001) asserted, "the public is often understood as a me=
>ans to an organization's end goal. Publics are, however, an integral part o=
>f public relations practice, and as a communicatively constructed social ph=
>enomenon, they deserve serious attention" (pp. 139-140). The common definit=
>ion used to define a public stems from Dewey's (1927) understanding of the =
>public: a group of individuals that organically emerge when impacted by a p=
>roblem and who share a common interest in solving that common problem. Howe=
>ver, although the public is the core concept of public relations, it is not=
>  well-defined or evolved to fit current media, political, and organisationa=
>l climates.
>The purpose of this special issue is to re-examine and question the basic s=
>et of assumptions about publics and serve as the natural extension of Vasqu=
>ez and Taylor's (2001) call to explore publics in greater depth and through=
>  multiple prisms: "The challenge for public relations scholars and professi=
>onals is twofold: to demystify the ambiguity of a public and to link theory=
>  with practice for more effective relationships with publics" (p. 154). The=
>  purpose of this special issue is to explore recent developments within the=
>  current segmentation theories, to highlight other theories that communicat=
>ors can use to segment and prioritise publics, to highlight how publics are=
>  dynamic and socially constructed phenomena that simple aggregative techniq=
>ues cannot measure, and to demonstrate how these approaches have been used =
>in practice.
>See more detail at:
>Potential Manuscript Topics: This call for papers invites research that exp=
>lores new facets and approaches to conceptualising and segmenting publics.
>Possible topics include (but are not limited to):
>* Cultural identity factors in understanding and segmenting publics
>* Intersectionality and the use of this theory in understanding publics
>* Evaluation and measurement of segmentation
>* Impact of culture, ethnicity, and globalization on the segmentation of pu=
>* Development of methods to segment publics
>* Use of social media and Web 2.0 technologies to explore segmentation
>* Application of segmentation approaches to reach publics
>* The role that internal diversity of practitioners plays in the understand=
>ing of diverse publics
>* Theories of public-specific communication (e.g., according to identities =
>like race, gender, class, sexual orientation, role identity [e.g., as a par=
>ent, as a student, as a community activist], nationality, among other ident=
>ities, as well as according to situations)
>This issue will be prepared during 2011 for publication before the end of t=
>hat year.
>Submission deadline: JANUARY 28, 2011
>PRism journal: is a refereed, open-access online journal of public relation=
>s and communication research. (See
>l )
>Queries: If you have questions about this CFP or would like to express inte=
>rest in being part of this exciting project in 2011, please contact the gue=
>st editors Natalie Tindall (drnatalietjtindall /at/<mailto:drnatalietjt=
>(indall /at/>  and/or Jennifer Vardeman-Winter (jvardema /at/ Central.UH.EDU)<=
>mailto:(jvardema /at/ Central.UH.EDU)>
>Natalie Tindall and Jennifer Vardeman-Winter (PRism Prize special issue edi=

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