Archive for 2010

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[ecrea] II Cyber journalism Intern ational Conference: Call for papers until the 15th July

Sat Jul 10 22:37:21 GMT 2010

English Version

It will end, at July 15th, the deadline to deliver the proposals of communication to present on the II Cyber journalism International Conference, which will take place at Universidade do Porto, on the December 9 and 10th


The communications must concern themes about cyber journalism, with special incidence on the topics of this conference:
- Business model for the Internet

- Social networks and cyber journalism


For you to confirm the delivery, just send your communication proposal for the address (obciber /at/, written in Portuguese, English or Spanish. Each proposal must have an abstract of about 400 to 500 words, which includes the most relevant topic and its importance; hypothesis or argument, methodological and conceptual frame, expected results and about 5 keywords.


You must also send a separate sheet, for blind-review, that contains only your name(s), institutional filiations, address and e-mail of the author(s).


The taxes of submission are the same of the ones on the I edition of the Conference –


Um Congresso organizado pelo Observatório do Ciberjornalismo (ObCiber) e pelo Centro para as Ciências da Comunicação (C2COM) da Universidade do Porto, com o apoio do Centro de Estudos das Tecnologias e Ciências da Comunicação ( e integrado nas comemorações do décimo aniversário da Licenciatura em Ciências da Comunicação da U. Porto.



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