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[ecrea] YECREA newsletter

Tue Apr 06 07:54:35 GMT 2010

>Dear colleague,
>Welcome to the third newsletter of the ECREA 
>Young Scholars Network (YECREA). We are happy 
>to announce that there are many interesting 
>events and opportunities coming up for young 
>scholars in 2010, particularly the ECREA ECC 
>Conference in Hamburg, postgraduate conferences 
>co-organised with Yecrea, and the ECREA Summer 
>School in Ljubljana. We are also happy to report 
>that Yecrea is becoming more actively involved 
>in ECREA section conferences and that our 
>section and country representatives have 
>successfully organised five workshops since September 2009.
>In the newsletter you can find:
>1. YECREA at the ECC 2010 in Hamburg
>2. Upcoming events: YECREA co-organisation of 
>graduate conferences on Politics and
>War in Porto and on Communication History in Potsdam
>3. ECREA Summer School in Ljubljana
>4. YECREA PhD workshops report
>5. YECREA country and section representative news
>Please find the newsletter below or at
>If you wish to find out more about the Young 
>Scholars Network please visit our website 
>, where young scholars can find much relevant information.
>YECREA now also has a Facebook group with 110 
>members and counting. Just search for Yecrea on 
>Facebook if you are not a member yet.
>Inputs for future newsletters, or comments on 
>this one, are much appreciated. Please send them to: (yecrea /at/
>Best wishes,
>Benjamin De Cleen, Alenka Jelen, and Joanna Redden
>ISSUE 3 ­ APRIL 2010
>In the newsletter you can find:
>1. YECREA at the ECC 2010 in Hamburg
>2. Upcoming events: YECREA co-organisation of 
>graduate conferences on Politics and War in 
>Porto and on Communication History in Potsdam
>3. ECREA Summer School in Ljubljana
>4. YECREA PhD workshops report
>5. YECREA country and section representative news
>1. YECREA at the ECC 2010 in Hamburg
>ECREA and the Hans Bredow Institute, together 
>with the University of Hamburg and the Hamburg 
>Media School, are organising the 3rd large-scale 
>international European Communication Conference 
>(ECC), which will be held in Hamburg, from 12 to 
>15 October 2010. The general theme of the 
>conference is Transcultural Communication - 
>Intercultural Comparisons and will be addressed 
>in keynote speeches and parallel sessions in the 
>thematic sections and networks.
>The ECREA conferences provide THE meeting point 
>for European communication scholars and a forum 
>for inspiring discussions on theoretical and 
>empirical research. For ECREA 2010 we are 
>expecting to host 800 to 1,000 participants and 600 to 700 presentations.
>Yecrea is actively involved in organising some 
>exciting events for young scholars and we hope 
>to see many of you at one of the following events:
>Workshop on Planning an academic career: International perspectives
>At the ECC, Yecrea will hold a workshop that 
>addresses pan European similarities and 
>differences in what counts as important in 
>planning your academic career with a special 
>emphasis on building an academic CV. The 
>workshop is aimed at all young scholars, and is 
>organized by Ranjana Das and Julie Uldam in 
>close collaboration with all Yecrea section and country representatives.
>What counts as important in an academic CV is of 
>course, a relative question ­ the intellectual 
>dimensions of this merge with employer 
>preferences, the nature of roles, the names of 
>posts, funding possibilities, the demands of a 
>teaching position versus a research position, 
>the nature of Higher Education Institutions 
>across Europe in terms of their teaching-led or 
>research-led status and many other questions. 
>So, as doctoral students prepare for a range of 
>possible post-doctoral possibilities ­ positions 
>funded by departments, universities, national 
>research councils, the EU, pan European networks 
>- keeping multiple options open, under the 
>substantial pressure of generating publications 
>in an output oriented academic culture whilst 
>generating teaching experience, which choices 
>must take precedence over others, which 
>decisions might be pre-planned, and how much 
>planning is needed? Most importantly, do 
>employer preferences and do institutional prioriti
>es differ across Europe? How is funding 
>generated in different national and 
>institutional settings, and what are the pan 
>European possibilities available to early career 
>researchers? What, in other words, are the 
>emerging trends as we prepare trans-national job applications?
>Led by these and related questions Yecrea brings 
>together senior and young researchers from 
>different countries and at different stages of 
>their careers. The plenary is followed by an 
>open discussion during which young scholars can 
>exchange experiences, and voice their comments and questions.
>YECREA business meeting
>YECREA will hold its business meeting, at which 
>the YECREA board will give an overview of its 
>activities in the past two years, with 
>particular emphasis on presentation of the 
>section and country representative scheme and its activities.
>The YECREA 2009 Year report can be found at: 
>After that the elections for the board will be 
>held. The current board presents itself for 
>re-election for a new two-year term. The board 
>consists of Benjamin De Cleen (chair, 
>responsible for section representatives), Alenka 
>Jelen (vice-chair, website, representative to 
>the ECREA board) and Joanna Redden (vice-chair, 
>responsible for country representatives).
>Competing candidate teams may put themselves 
>forward for election ninety days before the end 
>of the mandate of the outgoing team by sending 
>an email to the network chair. The exact 
>procedure can be found in the Yecrea Modus 
>Operandi at:
>All Yecrea members can vote. Members who cannot 
>make it to Hamburg can vote by e-mail in the 
>week before the conference, or may be 
>represented at the elections by another member 
>by way of written and signed proxy delivered 
>before the vote. The precise procedure can be 
>found in the Yecrea Modus Operandi.
>A simple majority of votes is required for the 
>election, and the results of the vote shall be 
>communicated as soon as possible to all members by email.
>YECREA social event
>YECREA will organize a special informal 
>get-together for young scholars at the ECC on 
>the evening of Thursday October the 14th. Hanna 
>Domeyer and Sascha Hoelig of Hamburg University 
>are helping to organise this event. The event 
>will be the perfect occasion to put faces to 
>names and get to know each other a bit better. 
>The details of the event will be communicated to 
>the members prior to the conference.
>2. Upcoming YECREA co-organised graduate conferences
>YECREA is involved in the organization of two 
>young scholar conferences in 2010. In both 
>cases, YECREA members will get a reduced conference fee.
>First International Graduate Conference on Media and Communication
>University of Porto, May 13-14 2010
>The Conference is jointly organized by the 
>Centro para as Ciências da Comunicação (C2COM ­ 
>University of Porto), YECREA and Media XXI - 
>Investigação e Consultoria/FormalPress. YECREA 
>country representative for Portugal, Ana Jorge, 
>is part of the programme committee of this 
>conference. The conference focuses on dynamics 
>between media and the political world, in 
>different countries, with a particular focus on 
>the role of the media in exceptional times: the 
>way candidates and parties are covered during 
>election campaigns and media performance in wartime periods.
>Some thirty young scholars will present papers 
>at the conference. Invited speakers include 
>Paolo Mancini (Università di Perugia) and Philip 
>Hammond (London South Bank University).
>Writing the Past beyond Boundaries? 
>Transnational versus Comparative Approaches in Communication History
>Potsdam, June 3-15 2010
>The PhD workshop will be organised prior to the 
>ECREAs Communication History Section inaugural 
>conference. It is co-organized by Dr. Maria 
>Löblich and Susann Trabert from the young 
>scholars of the German Communication 
>Associations, Thomas Großmann from the ZZF and 
>Christian Schwarzenegger, YECREA representative 
>in the ECREA Communication History Section.
>The organizers welcome 20 PhD students from 
>universities in the UK, Ireland, the 
>Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Poland, and the 
>USA. The workshop mentors are Marcel Broersma 
>(University of Groningen), Andreas Hepp (Bremen 
>University), Cathy Johnson (Royal Holloway 
>University of London) and Sonja de Leeuw (University of Utrecht).
>Discussion groups will focus on questions such 
>as how to methodologically write the past beyond 
>boundaries and on what kind of sources this 
>writing can be based and sustained by. How can 
>communication and media history be understood 
>beyond the context of nation and culture? 
>Transnational and comparative approaches in 
>communication history will be confronted to 
>productively raise new questions and to find new 
>or complementary answers to existing research issues.
>The farewell drinks of the young scholar 
>workshop will be combined with the welcome 
>get-together of the joint DGPuK/ECREA Communication History Section conference.
>3. ECREA Summer School in Ljubljana
>The ECREA European Media and Communication 
>Doctoral Summer School, traditionally bringing 
>together members of the European research 
>community to debate contemporary issues in 
>media, communication and cultural studies, has 
>moved from the University of Tartu, Estonia and 
>will be this year for the first time at the 
>University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 15 ­ 27 August 2010.
>The co-ordinator of the Summer School Ilija 
>Tomanic' Trivund~a said: I must say that our 
>department is very enthusiastic about hosting 
>the Summer School in Ljubljana. We are happy to 
>see that the school is becoming increasingly 
>popular and we hope that both students and 
>programme will benefit from our local expertise 
>at least as much as we will from the fruitful 
>exchange of the ideas among diverse group of students and lecturers.
>Despite moving its location, the main aim of the 
>summer school remains the same: to provide a 
>supportive international setting where doctoral 
>students can present their ongoing work, receive 
>feedback on their PhD-projects from 
>international experts and meet students and 
>academics from other countries, establishing 
>valuable contacts for the future. In addition, 
>the Summer School offers a series of lectures, 
>round tables and workshops dealing with 
>theoretical concepts and research methodologies.
>Ilija further emphasised: The programme is 
>coordinated mostly by former Summer School 
>students, which enables us to foresee many 
>practicalities with which students might be 
>faced during their stay in Ljubljana. The summer 
>school in itself has a very intensive programme, 
>though one of the strengths of the programme has 
>always been its informal part where both 
>professional ties and friendships have been 
>formed. I believe that summer evenings in 
>Ljubljana ­ one of the most charming 
>pocket-size European capitals with the old 
>city centre nested between the river and the 
>castle ­ offer a perfect opportunity for that.
>The overall theme for the programme this year is 
>Cultural and technological challenges of media 
>globalisation and convergence in Europe. 
>However, the theme will not be used as a 
>criterion for participant selection. The summer 
>school welcomes all PhD projects within the 
>field of communication and media studies.
>The deadline for applications for the summer school is April 9 2010.
>For more information, please visit:
>4. Yecrea PhD workshops report
>In 2009, YECREA section representatives 
>organized young scholar workshops at the 
>respective ECREA section conferences. The board 
>would like to thank all of the representatives 
>for their great work and all of the 
>participating senior and young scholars for 
>sharing their experiences. Organised PhD workshops were:
>Mediated Citizenship: Political Information and Participation in Europe
>Leeds, September 17-18, 2009
>Organized by the Political Communication section
>Young scholar PhD workshop organized by YECREA 
>political section representatives Fabro Steibel 
>and Alenka Jelen, with speakers Sophia 
>Kaitatzi-Whitlock (chair of the Political 
>Communication section) and Katrin Voltmer 
>(conference organiser and vice-chair the Political Communication section)
>Radio Content in the Digital Age
>Limassol, October 14-16, 2009
>Organised by the Radio Research Section
>YECREA workshop organized by YECREA 
>representatives Judith Purtkarhofer and Petra 
>Pfisterer with attendants including Guy Starkey 
>(section chair of the Radio Research Section) 
>and Stanislaw Jedrzejewski (vice-chair of the Radio Research Section).
>The 1st Autumn Conference of Interpersonal 
>Communication and Social Interaction
>Tampere, October 21-23, 2009
>Organized by the Interpersonal communication and social interaction section
>Young scholar workshop organized by YECREA 
>section representative Jonna Koponen with 
>mentors Teija Waaramaa and Saila Poutiainen.
>Theories in International and Intercultural Communication
>Mannheim, October 29-31, 2009
>Organized by the International and Intercultural Communication section
>PhD workshop co-organized by YECREA section 
>representative Stijn Joye, and YECREA 
>representative for Germany Sven Engesser, with 
>mentors Leo Van Audenhove and Gerd Hallenberger, chaired by Hartmut Wessler.
>Media, Communication, and the Spectacle
>Rotterdam, November 26-27, 2009
>Organized by the Communication and Democracy, 
>Film Studies, Gender and Communication, and YECREA
>Young scholar workshop on Academic publishing 
>for young scholars by Nico Carpentier. The 
>workshop included social gathering on the eve of 
>the conference (with help from Pauwke Berkers of 
>the Erasmus University in Rotterdam).
>5. YECREA section and country representatives news
>Christian Schwarzenegger is the YECREA 
>representative to the newly formed ECREA section on Communication History.
>We also have three new YECREA Country 
>Representatives: Narine Khachatryan (Armenia), 
>Olivier Driessens (Belgium), and Lenka Waschková Císar(ová (Czech Republic).
>For more information on the section 
>representatives please visit:
>For information on the country representatives 
>Input for future newsletters, or comments on 
>this one, are much appreciated. Please send them to: (yecrea /at/

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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