R@dio in Congress
"Post Radio: R@dio as social media?", an
international event covering radio, music and the Internet.
LISBON, March 25th
Is the first International Congress in Portugal
about the future of radio, for academics, policy
makers, radio professionals and artists, as well
as leading figures from public service, the
radio industry and related industries.
Our goal is the most innovative radio congress,
combining networking technology with stimulating
debate, to provide the best content and findings
possible, both for the speakers, participants,
and all of those who cannot attend, but will
join us using online platforms. It will be
possible to listen to Congress sessions over our
site or follow our updates using RSS, Facebook
or Twitter.
Not limited to radio, R@dio in Congress is about
online radio, new media and the music which
binds them to establish new connections and
pathways, to trace radio's identity and future.
The Congress is designed to be the place to meet
and discuss the future of radio, focusing on the
radio industry, related industries and online
media that can result in new definitions of
It is an event designed to bring together the
industry and academia, providing a nexus for
representatives from both areas, where radio can
be at the centre of discussion, exibition,
experience, debate and trend definition.
FREE Attendance. Register online.
Follow us on Twitter for English updates
Join us on Facebook for Portuguese/English
<http://www.radioemcongresso.com/>Visit us
online to register
<http://www.radioemcongresso.com/inicio.html>R@dio em Congresso
<mailto:(radioresearch /at/ iscsp.utl.pt)>(radioresearch /at/ iscsp.utl.pt)
ISCSP. Lisboa.
Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas
Rua Almerindo Lessa
1300-663 Lisboa
Scientific Co-ordinator | Paula Cordeiro |
<mailto:(pcordeiro /at/ iscsp.utl.pt)>(pcordeiro /at/ iscsp.utl.pt)| 213619430 | 919225535
Press/Media Inquiries| David Monteiro |
<mailto:(gabinete.comunicacao /at/ iscsp.utl.pt)>(gabinete.comunicacao /at/ iscsp.utl.pt)|
213600409 | 966206615