Call for papers
III Congress "Media, Jornalismo e Democracia"
Lisbon, Portugal
Faculty of Social and Human Sciences
New University of Lisbon
November 8 and 9th, 2010
Accepted languages for proposal of papers of the Congress are:
Portuguese, Spanish, Gallician, and English.
The call for papers is open until the 31st of May, 2010
(Only the abstract should be sent for the paper competition.)
The abstract should be sent to: (mediajornalismoedemocracia2010 /at/
The abstract should be sent in MS Word, RTF format, or in pdf.
The acceptance/rejection of the proposal should be sent to the
authors before the 15th of July, 2010.
The (optionable) complete text of the paper can be sent by September, 1, 2010.
Papers will be published on-line on the website of the conference.
The rules for the submission of the complete text are:
* The complete text should be exclusively sent in MS Word, RTF format.
* The text should be sent in Times New Roman 12 (also titles and
subtitiles, with regular use of capital and small letters.
* Please use bold in titles and subtitles.
* Use corps size 12.
* Please double space.
* The text should have a maxixum number of 30 pages.
* Please use 2cm margins (right and left; inferior and superior).
* All quotations with more than three lines should be separated from
previous and psterior text bu two doubles-spaces, and should be
indented 1.5 cm.
* The text should not have any special formats, but can include
bold, italics, page numbers. Tables and graphics should be presented
in the simples manner.
* Please don't use notes at the end of the document, but footnotes
deemed essential by the author(es) may be used.
* Bibliographic references should be inserted in the text, like in
the example: (Pinto, 1998:238).
* The texts should include the following elements:
1) Title in bold;
2) Names of author(es), followed by the institution (in
parentheses), and, on the following line, the email address;
3) Abstract with a maximum of 15 lines, in English, Spanish,
Gallician or Portuguese;
4) Three to five key words, in English, Spanish, Galician or Portuguese;
5) The text.
Fee: 50 euros (professionals); 20 (students).
More information (in Portuguese):