Archive for November 2010

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[ecrea] A new issue of MATRIZes is available on line

Sat Nov 27 23:18:09 GMT 2010

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Communication Sciences of the

University of São Paulo, Brazil

Dear colleagues,

A new issue of MATRIZes, Vol. 4, No.1, 2010, is available online in Portuguese and in English: <>

Table of Contents

Dossier: Authoral Perspectives in Communication Studies

Shifting boundaries of public and private life

John B. Thompson

Convergence and memory: journalism, context and history
Marcos Palacios

Does the media have a future?
Nick Couldry

Neither rare nor absent - tentative
José Luiz Braga

Television fictions around the world: melodrama and irony in global perspective
Ien Ang

The dissolution of the Other in contemporary communication
Malena Segura Contrera, Norval Baitello Jr.

Section: Interview

Communication is the place of encounters and conflicts, where the discourses and the different points of view are constituted
José Luiz Fiorin, by  Roseli Figaro

Section: Media Literacy

Blogs and their genres: statistical evaluation of 50 blogs in Portuguese.
Alex Primo

The reenactement in the documentary field
 Andréa França

Section: Agenda

Mobility as contradiction of urban space
Lucrécia D?Alessio Ferrara

Debord: from the spectacle to simulacrum
Celso Frederico

The public manifestations of the audience
Roger de la Garde

Broadcasters legislative and genres of programming in Brazil
Maria Érica Oliveira Lima

Book Reviews

Antonio Teixeira Barros and Jorge Pedro Sousa. Jornalismo e ambiente: análise de investigações realizadas no Brasil e em Portugal. Porto: Ed.Un.Fernando Pessoa, 2010. Journalism and environment: the distant proximity between Brazilian and Portuguese studies

Reges Schwaab

Charo Lacalle. El discurso televisivo sobre la inmigración: ficción y construcción de identidade. Barcelona: Ed. Omega, 2008

Identity and immigration: social representation of the ?other? on Spanish television

Francilene Alves Brito

Thesis nd Dissertations

Thesis and dissertations of 1st. semester of 2010

URL: <>

Prof. Dr. Maria Immacolata Vassallo de Lopes, Editor
Titular Professor and Researcher
School of Communications and Arts
University of São Paulo - Brasil
Email: <mailto:(matrizes /at/>(matrizes /at/

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