Archive for June 2010

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[ecrea] call for editors /thirdspace: a journal of feminist theory and culture/

Sun Jun 13 07:58:21 GMT 2010

>The editors of /thirdspace: a journal of feminist theory and 
>culture/ want you to join our team. We are looking for feminist 
>scholars to strengthen our editorial working group and help sustain 
>/thirdspace/ as a prime online journal for the best international 
>work in feminist theory and culture.
>Founded in 2000, our mandate is to produce a peer-reviewed journal, 
>offering work in both English and French, that presents the best in 
>scholarship on feminist theory and culture, broadly conceived. Our 
>priority is enabling the publication of dynamic and cutting edge 
>feminist scholarship within the modern climate of a profit-driven 
>and competitive publishing industry. Our open-access model has been 
>enormously successful in terms of readership, and can be viewed at: 
>We are seeking feminist scholars for the following roles:
>Layout editors
>Section editors
>The journal's operations are conducted primarily through online 
>contact (e-mail, instant messaging, the open access journal system). 
>All editors must have regular access to e-mail and the web, and be 
>comfortable with virtual collaboration. Editor duties include: 
>reviewing submissions for suitability; soliciting referees to review 
>articles; copyediting; and preparing submissions for final 
>publication on the website. Other duties include fundraising, 
>promotion of the journal, and soliciting submissions.
>One position is reserved for scholars who are capable of editing 
>submissions in French at a high academic level and performing 
>English-French translation, as well as enthusiasm for promoting the 
>journal to the francophone community and soliciting submissions from 
>French-speaking scholars.
>At this time, our editorial positions are non-stipendiary, as our 
>insistence on open access has limited our opportunities for funding.
>For all applicants, please indicate your experience in editing 
>academic work, the strengths you would bring to the position, and 
>the scholarly communities you are involved in. We welcome 
>applications from emerging and early-career scholars (including 
>senior ABDs, post-doctoral fellows, and new independent scholars).
>Desirable, but not required, assets include: fluency in French; 
>experience in fundraising and promotion; and HTML/web design experience.
>The position(s) will commence in August 2010.
>Please send a CV, a short letter of interest, and your contact 
>details (including e-mail address) as a Word attachment by July 1 2010 to:
>(info /at/<mailto:(info /at/>
>We will be in correspondence with all applicants.
>Dr Kim Toffoletti, Senior Lecturer in Sociology & Gender Studies
>Secretary, Australian Women's and Gender Studies Association (AWGSA)
>Chief co-editor, Thirdspace: A Journal of Feminist Theory and Culture
>School of History, Heritage and Society Faculty of Arts
>Deakin University 221 Burwood Hwy Victoria 3125 Australia
>Phone: 03 9244 3986 International: +61 3 9244 3986
>Fax: 03 9244 6755 International: +61 3 9244 6755
>Email: (kim.toffoletti /at/
>Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code 00113B (Vic)

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