Call for papers: ECREA Radio Research Section
Following its successful conference at the
Cyprus University of Technology in October 2009, the
Radio Research Section invites proposals for
ECC10. Abstracts are welcome from across as wide a
range of interests related to radio as possible.
We do not wish to limit the focus and scope of members'
research in the medium, and the panels will be
organized thematically once abstracts have been peerreviewed
and accepted. Whole panel proposals are also
welcome. Panels and papers could be situated
in the following fields as they relate to radio:
audience studies; community radio; content
(programming and genre); digitisation; new or
revised research methodologies; social networks. Papers
in languages other than English are very
welcome, but in the absence of funding for translation
services, paper proposers are encouraged to
consider ways of communicating their research to as wide
a range of participants as possible. This may
involve showing a PowerPoint in English or another of the
widely-used European languages.
Abstracts should be written in English and
should contain a clear outline of the argument, the
theoretical framework, and where applicable
methodology and results. The preferred length of the
individual abstracts is between 400 and 500
words (the maximum is 500 words, i. e. 3,500 characters).
Panel proposals which should consist of five
individual contributions combine a panel abstract with
five individual abstracts, each of which are
between 400 and 500 words (i. e. max. 3,500 characters.
Participants may submit more than one proposal,
but only one paper or poster by the same first author
will be accepted and programmed. First authors
can still be second (or third, etc.) author of other papers
or posters, and can still act as chair or respondent of a panel.
Deadline: All proposals should be submitted through the website no later than:
28 February 2010. Please note that this
submission deadline will not be extended!
Proposals should be submitted through the
conference website. Online submission system opens
1 December 2009. Please go to:
To avoid technical problems, early submission is strongly encouraged.