Archive for June 2008

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[ecrea] 2008 HMF International Film/Media Festival

Mon Jun 16 21:18:44 GMT 2008

>2008 HMF International Film/Media Festival & Conference
>10 to 14 December 2008
>New York City, United States
>The 2008 Festival & Conference will act as a conduit through
>which media (web, print, television, and photojournalism),
>narrative and documentary film, NGO's, and international policy
>may meet to discuss issues of humanitarian importance.
>The deadline for abstracts/proposals is 01 August 2008.
>Call for Papers for the 2008 HMF International Film/Media
>Festival & Conference
>The 2008 HMF International Film/Media Conference will be
>taking place concurrently with the 2008 HMF International Film
>Festival and the associated 2008 HMF International Art/Photo
>The 2008 HMF International Film/Media Conference will be an
>integral part of the overall Festival & Conference, and will
>include Panels, Conference Papers, Debates, and Discussions
>relevant to the Media's Role in issues of international
>humanitarian importance.
>Issues which the Conference will cover:
>1) The media's role in humanitarian histories, events, issues and
>crises ­ past and present - in the context of examples of such
>coverage, including as a lesson for what should ­ or in certain
>select cases - should not be done;
>2) The role that the media has played and perhaps should play in
>the work of the UN, NGO's and other agencies who help to
>support populations in need and are affected by certain issues
>or crises;
>3) The future role of the media with the advent of new
>technologies, the possibilities inherent in the web, among other
>means of information and media dissemination, and how these
>new possibilities can be utilized by those seeking to bring
>further attention to the public sphere regarding issues of
>humanitarian importance;
>4) The role of the artistic media (film, art, photogrpahy, music)
>in revealing the nuances of issues of humanitarian importance
>and the significance of "celebrity" involvement in such media
>and issues of humanitarian importance;
>5) The role of print, television, web, and photojournalism and its
>importance in the humanitarian sphere ­ including issues of the
>bias of coverage, the preeminence or lack of coverage, the role
>journalists do or should play, and the responsibilities of
>journalism in humanitarian crises even despite the profit motive
>of for-profit corporate parents, such as in the United States, of
>news agencies, networks, newspapers, magazines, etc.
>Other subjects are welcome, provided they merge the idea of
>the mediain any formand issues and subject matter of
>humanitarian importance.
>A special section, which also may be chosen, will be called
>"Never Again" : The Media's Role in Past, Present, and Future
>Humanitarian Crises with a Focus on Genocide. This will also
>take place concurrently with a focused Sidebar series during the
>Film Festival portion of the 2008 HMF International Festival &
>For further information, please contact us at
>(pr /at/
>Abstract Deadline: August 1, 2008
Submit to
>(conferencepaper /at/
>Submit a 200-word abstract. Early submissions are greatly
>appreciated. All submissions must be in Acrobat PDF format.
>Please include the following information on the first page of the
>1. Name(s) of author(s)
>2. Address / Phone number
>3. E-mail address
>4. Institution or Organization
>5. Title of Abstract/Paper
>By submitting an abstract, and subsequently a paper for the
>Conference, you are agreeing that all submitted ideas and work
>are your own, and materials which may be used, if not in the
>public domain or are under permissable purpose allowances,
>shall have all necessary clearances provided to the HMF prior to
>the Paper being presented.
>The HMF may disqualify any paper from presentation or
>publication for any reason, at its sole descretion. At no time will
>the HMF be held liable for any difficulties presented by the
>authorship, subject(s), and presentation of the Paper at the
>The author(s), by virtue of submitting his/her abstract(s) and
>paper(s), agree that he/she will be solely responsible for the
>content of such abstract(s) and paper(s), the substance involved,
>and all necessary references necessary for the content
>You will receive an email containing an acceptance or rejection
>letter by August 31, 2008. The letter will contain a submission
>number that you should include in all further correspondences.
>Directions will be provided for submitting your paper to the
>conference proceedings and for award consideration along with
>your acceptance letter.
>The HMF provides the academic community with an opportunity
>to share their research, ideas, and discuss administrative issues.
>it also offers a great opportunity for networking and placement.
>- To publish an abstract of your paper in our refereed
>conference proceedings online (via
> and associated HMF
>- To present your research at an international conference;
>- To receive feedback on your research;
>- To compete for the Conference Award;
>- To have your paper considered for publication in a peer
>reviewed journal, or in book form, with all presented papers
>being eligible for publication in a book of conference papers via
>the Humanitarian Media Foundation (HMF) and its partner
>publishing house;
>- To network with potential employers and employees.
>We would warmly welcome you sharing this Call for Papers, and
>otherwise the Call for Entries in film (beginning June 25, 2008),
>or the Call for Entries in Art/Photography (began May 25, 2008)
>with your colleagues.
>Further information on each may be found at
>To subscribe to our mailing list, please send an email to
>(pr /at/ with Subscribe in the subject
>header, or sign up via the form on the HMF home page.
>- Call for Papers begins June 16, 2008
>- Deadline for Abstracts: August 1, 2008
>- Deadline for Accepted Papers, with any A/V requirements:
>November 1, 2008
>- Deadline for all Conference sign-ups: December 1, 2008
>- Event dates December 10-14, 2008
>Deadline: December 1, 2008
Conference registration is US$420
>(early registration is $350) with the authors of accepted papers
>not being required to submit a fee. The registration fee for full-
>time students is $295 (documentation of full-time student
>status is required, sent via .pdf to (pr /at/
>Conference fees may be paid via secured server via this link:
>Upon acceptance of all information and fees, if applicable, and
>credentials submitted from a legitimate institition or
>organization, a Letter of Attendance will be made available via
>pdf for those who need such a letter for visa requirements.
>Your registration fee includes Hors douevres and drinks at the
>reception, as well as Event Tickets for the entirety of the 2008
>HMF International Film/Media Festival & Conference. For those
>participants attending with guest(s), the price per Event Ticket is
>For those conference attendees and their registered guests,
>tickets for screenings of films at the 2008 HMF International
>Film Festival (which happens concurrent with the conference),
>will be allowed to purchase a bloc of tickets at discounted
>Hotel information TBA, including any special rates for the 2008
>HMF Festival & Conference. We will let you know when such
>information becomes available.
>Airfares & Airport TBA.
>The HMF reserves the right to cancel the conferences in the
>event of a natural disaster, terrorist event, illness or other
>unusual circumstances as determined at the sole discretion of
>the Humanitarian Media Foundation (HMF). In such instances,
>the HMF will be responsible only for returning the attendee's
>conference registration fee. The HMF looks forward toyour
>attendance, and meeting you at the 2008 HMF International
>Film/Media Festival & Conference.
>If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us
>at (pr /at/
>Enquiries: (pr /at/
>Web address:
>Sponsored by: The Humanitarian Media Foundation

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
Vrijheidslaan 17 - B-1081 Brussel - Belgium
Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis
Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 43  - B-1000 Brussel - Belgium
Sponsored links ;)
European Communication Research and Education Association
ECREA's Second European Communication Conference
Barcelona, 25-28 November 2008
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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Postal address:
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