Archive for May 2005

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[eccr] Call for papers for Community Radio Conference in Ireland

Mon May 30 19:26:37 GMT 2005

>Call for papers:
>International Conference on Community Radio
>Community Radio in Europe - People, Places and Processes
>This small and intimate conference will give scholars and practitioners of
>community radio the opportunity to explore the development and current state
>of community radio in Europe today.
>Funded by IREN this international conference will be held in Mary Immaculate
>College, University of Limerick on
>Thursday 3rd November 2005.
>Participants are welcome to remain in Limerick and meet with over 120 Irish
>community radio activists over the weekend when they will be attending the
>annual community radio training festival.
>Abstracts of papers (10 minutes or  20 minutes) to be sent to
>(Rosemary.Day /at/ on or before Friday 15th July 2005.
>Please copy this call for papers to others
>Dr Rosemary Day
>Department of Media and Communication Studies
>Mary Immaculate College
>University of Limerick
>South Circular Road
>Phone:  +353 61 204327
>Fax:       +353 61 313 632
>Email:     (Rosemary.Day /at/

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
Vrijheidslaan 17 - B-1081 Brussel - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-412.42.78
F: ++ 32 (0)2/412.42.00
Office: 4/0/18
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.30
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.28.61
Office: 5B.401a
European Consortium for Communication Research
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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