Archive for May 2005

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[eccr] Adaptation, Intertextuality, Interactivity Symposium at Kent

Fri May 27 13:20:18 GMT 2005

>(Apologies for Cross-postings)
>University of Kent Annual Film Studies Symposium:
>Adaptation, Intertextuality, and Interactivity in Film, Television and
>Other Arts
>Saturday 11th June 2005, 10am-5pm, Film Studies Department, School of
>Drama, Film and Visual Arts, University of Kent (Grimond Lecture Theatre
>3), Canterbury Campus. Entrance is free. There is no need to register. Just
>come along on the day. If you require further information, including a
>campus map, please email Catherine Grant ((c.a.grant /at/
>10.00-10.30 ­   Tea/coffee
>10.30-11.00 ­ Marit Knollmueller (University of Kent): Intertextuality
>                 beyond Pastiche in Water Drops on Burning Rocks (François
>                 Ozon, 2000)
>11.00-12.00 ­   Kamilla Elliott (Lancaster University): Intermediary
>                 A)E(s)th(et)ics: The Rhetoric of Judgment on Literature and
>                 Film
>12.00-1.15 - LUNCH BREAK
>1.15-2.15   - Robert Stam (New York University): The Theory and Practice
>                 of Adaptation
>2.15-3.30   - Su Holmes and Aylish Wood (University of Kent): Beyond the
>                 Book: Emerging Interactivities - Film, Television
>                 and New Media
>3.30-3.45   - Tea/coffee
>3.45-4.30   - Round Table: Respondent: Christine Geraghty (University of
>                 Glasgow)
>This event has been organised by the University of Kent Research Group on
>Adaptation, Intertextuality and Interactivity:
>Sarah Cardwell, Catherine Grant, Su Holmes, Sarah Turner, and Aylish Wood
>Invited participants:
>Robert Stam, Professor of Film Studies, New York University;
>Author of (among other books on adaptation, representation and film
>theory): Literature Through Film: Realism, Magic and the Art of Adaptation
>(Blackwell, 2004)
>Kamilla Elliott, Lecturer in English Literature, Lancaster University:
>Author of Rethinking the Novel/Film Debate (Cambridge UP, 2003)
>Christine Geraghty, Professor in Film & Television Studies, University of
>Glasgow, Author of British Cinema in the Fifties: Gender, Genre and
>the New Look (Routledge, 2000)
>This is the latest in a series of annual Film Studies symposia held at Kent
>since 1998 (previous keynote speakers have included David Bordwell, Kristin
>Thompson,Victor Perkins, Steve Neale and Richard Allen).

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
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European Consortium for Communication Research
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