Archive for September 2004

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[eccr] PSA Conference

Sat Sep 18 10:45:22 GMT 2004

>Dear All,
>The Political Studies Association of the UK has issued a call for papers
>for its annual conference to be held next April in Leeds. I have pasted
>the details below.
>In previous years we have had a very impressive presence at these
>conferences and that has helped in securing support for our group.
>Usually I recommend that we co-ordinate our panel proposals but this
>year I have decided not to do so. Please send your proposals direct to
>the conference organisers. But, by all means, cite the specialist group,
>use this list to publicise your call for papers and feel free to ask me
>if you require any assistance or encounter any difficulty getting a
>panel accepted.
>Alan Finlayson
>Call for Papers/Panel Proposals
>The PSA 2005 Annual Conference will be held at the University of Leeds,
>4-7 April 2005. We welcome proposals for individual papers or full
>panels. Proposals for round table discussions are also welcome. The
>deadline for proposals is November 30th 2004.
>Panel convenors should send full panel proposals, preferably by email,
>to the
>conference academic convenor, Dr David Seawright
>((D.Seawright /at/ and should include the following information:
>1. Proposed panel title.
>2. The name and address/email/affiliation of the proposed panel
>3. The names and addresses/emails/affiliations of at least three
>proposed paper
>presenters, along with the titles of their papers.
>4. The names and addresses/emails/affiliations of proposed discussants,
>if appropriate.
>5. A 250 word abstract for each individual paper proposal.
>The panel convenor should also indicate whether they are willing to
>accept additional papers for their panel from individual submissions
>made directly to the Conference academic convenor. This would be
>negotiated with the academic convenor.
>While, ideally, full panel proposals should be offered, more tentative
>proposals are also welcome and may be negotiated with the academic
>Individual Submissions
>Individual papers are also welcome and should, initially, be submitted
>in the following form by email to the academic convenor:
>1. Name, address, email, affiliation of author
>2. Title of proposed paper
>3. 250 word abstract
>All paper presenters will be required to submit their papers for
>inclusion on
>the PSA Conference 2004 web site prior to the conference (email:
>(papers05 /at/; copy to David Seawright ((D.Seawright /at/
>However, this is not an immediate requirement and convenors are
>encouraged to
>concentrate on the basic panel proposal at this stage.
>If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the academic
>With best wishes
>Dr David Seawright (PSA Conference 2005 Academic Convenor)
>School of Politics and International Studies
>University of Leeds
>LS2 9JT
>Email: ((D.Seawright /at/

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
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European Consortium for Communication Research
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