Archive for July 2004

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[eccr] The Weekly Spin, Wednesday, July 7, 2004

Wed Jul 07 08:16:56 GMT 2004

>THE WEEKLY SPIN, Wednesday, July 7, 2004
>sponsored by PR WATCH (
>The Weekly Spin features selected news summaries with links to
>further information about current public relations campaigns.
>It is emailed free each Wednesday to subscribers.
>Who do you know who might want to receive Spin of the Week?
>Help us grow our subscriber list!  Just forward this message to
>people you know, encouraging them to sign up at this link:
>1. Look Who Has Jumped Into Bed With Ralph Nader
>2. Throwing Voices
>3. First Thing We'll Do, We'll Campaign Against the Trial Lawyer
>4. Bushwhacked
>5. Statue Liberties
>6. The Swing Street Strategy
>7. Who Would Jesus Elect?
>8. GOP's Denial of Democracy Attack
>9. The Butchered Audio of Baghdad
>10. Anti-Warming Lobbying Heats Up
>11. Fahrenheit 9/11 Ignites a Right Wing Counter-Attack
>12. The List
>13. O'Reilly Loses It Again
>14. Third Time's a Charm
>   Ralph Nader's run for the presidency of the US has brought him some
>   strange right-wing bedfellows such as Citizens for a Sound Economy.
>   CSE has been working hard to place Nader on the presidential ballot
>   in Oregon, and will do so too in Wisconsin and other states,
>   according to press accounts describing them as 'a conservative
>   anti-tax organization.' Such a description is a little like saying
>   Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell are Christian ministers. We reveal
>   much more about Citizens for a Sound Economy in our new book Banana
>   Republicans: How the Right is Turning America into a One-Party
>   State. The Center for Media and Democracy investigates and tracks
>   the work of corporate front groups including CSE through our
>   Disinfopedia website. There you can find out the latest information
>   and you can help us keep tabs and report on CSE and other corporate
>   fronts.
>SOURCE:, July 6, 2004
>More web links related to this story are available at:
>To discuss this story in the PR Watch Forum, visit:
>   According to The Hill, nearly half of the Voice of America's staff
>   signed a petition complaining that the Broadcasting Board of
>   Governors launched "new services in the Middle East with no
>   editorial accountability" while cutting back VoA programs in the
>   region. One VoA editor called the new Middle East networks - Radio
>   Sawa, al-Hurra and Radio Farda - "expensive and ill advised." The
>   VoA petition claims the new networks "provide inadequate news
>   coverage and do not operate under VoA's charter, which guarantees
>   balanced reporting." Other Middle East media have questioned the
>   credibility of the new U.S.-funded networks.
>SOURCE: The Hill, July 6, 2004
>More web links related to this story are available at:
>To discuss this story in the PR Watch Forum, visit:
>   "Tom Donohue, head of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, has made a
>   public vow: If John Edwards is chosen as John Kerry's running mate,
>   the chamber will abandon its traditional stance of neutrality in
>   the presidential race and work feverishly to defeat the Democratic
>   ticket. 'We'd get the best people and the greatest assets we can
>   rally' to the cause, he says," reports Alan Murray. An anonymous
>   Fortune 100 CEO called Edwards "the one we fear the most" - not for
>   his views, which are "more moderate and more in line with business"
>   than Dean or Gephardt - but because he's a trial lawyer.
>SOURCE: Wall Street Journal, July 6, 2004
>More web links related to this story are available at:
>To discuss this story in the PR Watch Forum, visit:
>   In Botswana, "hundreds of Bushmen evicted from their Kalahari
>   homelands have suffered what some would see as the final indignity:
>   being paraded before British [Parliamentarians] as part of a lavish
>   public relations campaign." The indigenous rights group Survival
>   International reported, "the visit was organised by the huge PR
>   company, Hill & Knowlton, which has been contracted by the Botswana
>   government and [diamond company] DeBeers to counter the Bushmen's
>   campaign for their land rights." In response to criticism at the
>   exclusion of land rights campaigners, one Botswanan official said,
>   "they should organise their own trip."
>SOURCE: Telegraph (UK), July 4, 2004
>More web links related to this story are available at:
>To discuss this story in the PR Watch Forum, visit:
>   In our book, Weapons of Mass Deception, we wrote that the famous
>   toppling of Saddam Hussein's statue, a moment that seemed to
>   symbolize victory for U.S. troops in Iraq, was staged by the U.S.
>   army. Now the army has admitted it. "On Point," an army report on
>   lessons learned from the war, notes that it was a Marine colonel,
>   not Iraqi civilians, who decided to topple the statue. "We moved
>   our [tactical PSYOP team] TPT vehicle forward and started to run
>   around seeing what they needed us to do to facilitate their
>   mission," states a U.S. military officer involved in the operation.
>   "There was a large media circus at this location (I guess the
>   Palestine Hotel was a media center at the time), almost as many
>   reporters as there were Iraqis, as the hotel was right adjacent to
>   the Al-Firdos Square. The Marine Corps colonel in the area saw the
>   Saddam statue as a target of opportunity and decided that the
>   statue must come down." The pyschological team used loudspeakers to
>   encourage Iraqi civilians to assist, packed the scene with Iraqi
>   children, and stepped in to readjust the props when one of the
>   soldiers draped an American flag over the statue. "God bless them,
>   but we were thinking from PSYOP school that this was just bad
>   news," the officer reported. "We didn't want to look like an
>   occupation force, and some of the Iraqis were saying, 'No, we want
>   an Iraqi flag!' So I said 'No problem, somebody get me an Iraqi
>   flag.'"
>SOURCE: Los Angeles Times, July 3, 2004
>More web links related to this story are available at:
>To discuss this story in the PR Watch Forum, visit:
>   "That's not very wise ... People are aware that this has happened.
>   It's going to be treated seriously," warned GOP strategist Grover
>   Norquist, incensed that biotech company Amgen hired a former senior
>   Al Gore aide to lobby for them. Norquist's "K Street Project,"
>   launched in 1995 to reward loyal Republican lobbyists with access
>   to influential officials, may be weakening as lobby firms hire
>   Democrats to balance GOP-heavy rosters, reports the Washington
>   Post. With the outcome of the November elections uncertain, "there
>   is some bet-hedging going on" via Democratic hires, said a partner
>   at the major Washington DC lobbying firm Patton Boggs.
>SOURCE: Washington Post, July 2, 2004
>More web links related to this story are available at:
>To discuss this story in the PR Watch Forum, visit:
>   The Bush-Cheney campaign continued its church-based outreach by
>   giving religious volunteers 22 timelined tasks. By July 31,
>   volunteers are to "send your church directory to your state
>   Bush-Cheney '04 headquarters or give [it] to a BC04 field rep." By
>   August 15, "talk to your church's seniors or 20-30 something group
>   about Bush-Cheney '04." In October, "finish distributing voter
>   guides in your church" and post notices "about all Christian
>   citizens needing to vote." An IRS letter to the Bush and Kerry
>   campaigns noted, "religious organizations are allowed to sponsor
>   debates, distribute voter guides and conduct voter registration
>   guides" unless they show "a preference for or against a certain
>   candidate or party."
>SOURCE: Houston Chronicle, July 2, 2004
>More web links related to this story are available at:
>To discuss this story in the PR Watch Forum, visit:
>   The former head of a GOP Marketplace, a Republican consulting
>   group, has pleaded guilty to jamming get-out-the-vote efforts on
>   election day in New Hampshire two years ago. The company used
>   computer-generated phone calls to flood phone lines that were set
>   up so voters could call for rides to the polls. It's just one
>   example of right-wing efforts to "block the vote" that we describe
>   in our book, Banana Republicans. If anyone would like to create a
>   Disinfopedia article about this scam, you can still find a copy of
>   the GOP Marketplace website at the Internet archive.
>SOURCE: Associated Press, July 1, 2004
>More web links related to this story are available at:
>To discuss this story in the PR Watch Forum, visit:
>   U.S. military censors are vetting video and audio footage of Saddam
>   Hussein's Baghdad trial, according to Variety. Some of the edited
>   footage provided to U.S. news networks might have come from Defense
>   Department cameras, the only ones allowed to record sound.
>   Comparisons of New York Times reporter John Burns' trial coverage
>   and the edited footage identified some missing audio from the
>   edited recordings; Burns, who had a translator with him in the
>   courtroom, quoted Saddam Hussein as saying, "Everyone knows that
>   this is a theatrical comedy by Bush, the criminal, in an attempt to
>   win the election."
>SOURCE: Variety, July 1, 2004
>More web links related to this story are available at:
>To discuss this story in the PR Watch Forum, visit:
>   In Alaska, Mayor Edith Vorderstrasse told federal officials, "Our
>   weather pattern is really different. It's not consistent like it
>   used to be." The General Accounting Office found that 184 of 213
>   Native Alaskan villages face flooding and erosion problems, in what
>   may be the first major sign of U.S. climate change. In London, the
>   British government is hosting a week-long visit by U.S.
>   Representative Wayne Gilchrest and eight Congressional staffers,
>   "to discuss [climate change] in an intimate setting with British
>   policy makers, scientists and business leaders," according to The
>   Hill. British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw earlier told a U.S.
>   audience, "It is critically important that we address the issue of
>   climate change now, and together."
>SOURCE: Reuters UK, July 1, 2004
>More web links related to this story are available at:
>To discuss this story in the PR Watch Forum, visit:
>   Michael Moore's award-winning, record-breaking, Bush-bashing
>   documentary has spawned a well-funded attack from right wing
>   millionaires, politicians, front-groups, pundits and many in
>   mainstream corporate media. We're tracking the tumult in our
>   Disinfopedia.
>SOURCE: Disinfopedia, July 1, 2004
>More web links related to this story are available at:
>To discuss this story in the PR Watch Forum, visit:
>   "Perhaps no list of reporters has commanded such attention in
>   Washington since Richard Nixon compiled his enemies list more than
>   thirty years ago," writes Douglas McCollam, discussing the
>   reporters whose names and phone numbers appear in a confidential
>   July 2002 memorandum from the Iraqi National Congress (INC). The
>   memo lists 108 news stories that were influenced by INC-supplied
>   defectors. "The balance of the stories," McCollam writes, "advanced
>   almost every claim that would eventually become the backbone of the
>   Bush administration's case for war, including Saddam Hussein's
>   contacts with al Qaeda, his attempts to develop nuclear weapons,
>   and his extensive chemical and bioweapons facilities - all of which
>   are now in grave doubt." According to Helen Kennedy, one of the
>   reporters whose name appears on the list, "The INC's agenda was to
>   get us into a war. The really damaging stories all came from those
>   guys, not the CIA. They did a really sophisticated job of getting
>   it out there." After interviewed reporters whose names appear on
>   the list, McCollam concludes that "influencing public opinion
>   through the American and European media was always central to the
>   INC's mission (of the 108 stories on Qanbar's list, fifty appeared
>   in U.S. news outlets). One of the first uses for the Iraq
>   Liberation Act funds was to hire the giant public relations firm
>   Burson-Marsteller."
>SOURCE: Columbia Journalism Review, June/July 2004
>More web links related to this story are available at:
>To discuss this story in the PR Watch Forum, visit:
>   "When he appeared on Bill O'Reilly's Fox News Channel show last
>   week, Georgetown law professor David Cole was impressed that the
>   hard-charging host played, as part of his opening commentary, 'a
>   balanced sound bite' from the chairman of the 9/11 commission,"
>   reports Howard Kurtz. "Cole was less impressed when an aggravated
>   O'Reilly stopped the taping of 'The O'Reilly Factor' and killed the
>   sound bite. And when Cole brought up the incident during his
>   interview, he says, O'Reilly 'exploded,' called him an SOB and
>   declared he would never be invited back."
>SOURCE: Washington Post, June 29. 2004
>To discuss this story in the PR Watch Forum, visit:
>   "Cold War hawks are resurrecting a decades-old group to lobby for a
>   harder line against terrorist organizations and rogue states,"
>   reports The Hill. The Committee on the Present Danger will see its
>   third incarnation (it was established in 1950 and re-formed in
>   1976) as a Washington DC-based lobby group, headed by PR pro and
>   former Reagan adviser Peter Hannaford. Other known members include
>   Senator Joe Lieberman, former CIA director James Woolsey, and
>   Reagan administration official and 1976 Committee founder Max
>   Kampelman. Past Committee incarnations advocated for tripling the
>   defense budget and helped launch neoconservatives into government
>   positions.
>SOURCE: The Hill, June 30, 2004
>More web links related to this story are available at:
>To discuss this story in the PR Watch Forum, visit:
>The Weekly Spin is compiled by staff and volunteers at PR Watch.
>To subscribe or unsubcribe, visit:
>Daily updates and news from past weeks can be found at the
>Spin of the Day" section of the PR Watch website:
>Archives of our quarterly publication, PR Watch, are at:
>PR Watch, Spin of the Day and the Weekly Spin are projects
>of the Center for Media & Democracy, a nonprofit organization
>that offers investigative reporting on the public relations
>industry. We help the public recognize manipulative and
>misleading PR practices by exposing the activities of
>secretive, little-known propaganda-for-hire firms that
>work to control political debates and public opinion.
>Please send any questions or suggestions about our
>publications to:
>(editor /at/
>Contributions to the Center for Media & Democracy
>are tax-deductible. Send checks to:
>    CMD
>    520 University Ave. #310
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Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
Vrijheidslaan 17 - B-1081 Brussel - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-412.42.78
F: ++ 32 (0)2/412.42.00
Office: 4/0/18
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.30
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.28.61
Office: C0.05
European Consortium for Communication Research
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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