Archive for jobs, 2023

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[Commlist] Fully funded PhD studentships at London College of Communication, University of the Arts London

Thu Apr 06 12:51:34 GMT 2023

To coincide with the launch of the Doctoral School, University of the Arts London is funding 7 Postgraduate Research Studentships to commence in the 2023/24 academic year. The studentships are offered to work on specific projects aligned with our strategic priorities.

I am specifically looking for potential candidates to work on my proposal *"**Refugees on TikTok. Crossing borders, connecting belongings and mediatising conflicts". *


The aim of this PhD is to investigate the material, affective and socio-political affordances of Tik Tok and its use among refugees and marginalised communities. The main research question guiding this study is the following: How do refugees use Tik Tok to document conflicts, cross borders and connect with global audiences?

Prospective applicants are invited to propose novel case studies and approaches that can expand our understanding of Tik Tok on refugees’ information and communication needs, visibility and agency. Theoretical frameworks that can engage with the cultural, affective and socio-political affordances displayed through platform use are especially welcome. Creative methods, tools and techniques that reflect the candidate’s specialist area are encouraged. Candidates will also be expected to critically reflect on the ethical challenges posed by the study, especially around positionality and reflectivity, and propose alternative ways of re-framing the methodological and ethical complexity of Tik Tok within academic research.

*Application Deadline: 30 April 2023*
Interviews: Late May 2023
Offers: June 2023
Student Enrols with UAL: September 2023
For further information and application details please follow this link <>


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