Archive for jobs, 2020

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[Commlist] Vacancy: Creative Fellow in Filmmaking, University of Birmingham

Mon Oct 05 19:52:22 GMT 2020

*The University of Birmingham*


*Creative Fellow in Filmmaking *

*Department of Film and Creative Writing within the College of Arts and Law*

*Full-time 1.0 fte*


*Grade/Band – Grade 7*


The University of Birmingham wishes to appoint a full-time Creative Fellow in Filmmaking with effect from 1^st January 2021 (or as soon as possible thereafter in consideration of work and travel restrictions due to Covid 19) for nine months. The Creative Fellowship in Filmmaking is fixed-term for 9 months and the work of the Fellow will feature as part of the collaboration between the Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research, where the Global Women’s Health project is located, and the Department of Film and Creative Writing. We seek to provide the successful applicant with the time and support to develop and complete an original documentary that will be integral to the Global Women’s Health project in terms of public engagement, impact and attracting further funding. The Fellowship is open to established professional filmmakers engaged in documentary practice that are able to bring innovation, autonomy and a collaborative work ethic to a commissioned and supervised project requiring sensitivity to the subject and audio-visual expertise. In addition, the Creative Fellow in Filmmaking is expected to contribute to the intellectual, creative and cultural life of the University and to deliver six hours per week of training, support and instruction for students involved in creative practice in filmmaking at undergraduate and Masters level.
For further information about this post please contact Professor Rob 
Stone, Department of Film and Creative Writing, University of 
Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT.Email: (r.stone /at/ 
<mailto:(r.stone /at/>

*_Closing date:_*TBC*_Reference_*: POST NUMBER – be confirmed by HR

To download the details and submit an electronic application online please click on the Apply Online button below; please quote Job Reference in all enquiries. Alternatively information can be obtained from 0121 415 9000 or visit <>
*Valuing excellence; sustaining investment***

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