Archive for jobs, 2020

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[Commlist] CfA - postdoc position, "Radio Archives in Central Europe" - Department of Media Studies, University of Amsterdam

Fri Sep 11 06:54:00 GMT 2020

I'm pleased to invite applications for a two-year, full-time postdoc position within my NWO-funded project “Tracking Radio Archival Collections in Europe, 1930-1960 (TRACE),” which will be hosted by the Department of Media Studies and the Amsterdam School for Heritage, Memory and Material Culture (AHM) at the University of Amsterdam.

*Postdoc position ‘Radio Archives in Central Europe, 1930-1960’*

The main aim of this sub-project is to examine how radio archival collections were created, treated and used within national/regional contexts in Central Europe, with a specific focus on former East Germany (GDR)/former Czechoslovakia. In general, we’re looking for a candidate with an expertise in European history, with (near-)fluent German as a must (and a minimum of basic-level Czech), who is able to conduct research in archives and to contextualise radio archival collections from the vantage of relevant frameworks, such as cultural history, media history, and critical archival studies.
*Application deadline:*4 October 2020

*Starting date:*1 January 2021
*Application portal:*

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