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[Commlist] PhD Scholarships University of Nottingham Ningbo China

Fri Apr 10 15:12:21 GMT 2020

The School of International Communications at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China welcomes applications for two full-time PhD Scholarships:

1. Chinese film & Soft Power: The BRI, Soft Power, and Chinese Film
This project aims to examine the role of film in the formation, projection and reception of Chinese soft power, which, according to Nye (2004), means a nation’s ability to achieve goals through attraction, but not coercion or payment. It will investigate films screened at the Shanghai International Film Festival (SIFF), which created the “BRI Film Night” in 2018 for cultural and educational exchange that featured 26 films from 26 countries. It will also investigate films selected in the following years by the SIFF that were toured in specific BRI countries, with the mandate of “spreading Chinese culture and telling Chinese stories.” Finally, it will investigate the development of the BRI film festival alliance, which currently includes 38 institutions in 33 countries, and is projected to grow. Grounded in film studies - but also drawing on cultural studies, international relations, and China studies - this qualitative project is expected to throw fresh light onto China’s evolving understanding and conduct of soft power, as well as provide insights into the empirical and theoretical implications of film as soft power.

2. Cultural Diplomacy & Soft Power - We welcome proposals that address the broad topic of the relationship between soft power and cultural diplomacy within a theoretical framework and/or using specific case-studies as the primary geographic/historical focus of analysis. In particular the project may seek to understand how cultural diplomacy and cultural relations help generate soft power; and how we may be better understand how to evaluate the impact of culture as an instrument of international engagement. This is designed as an interdisciplinary project and we welcome students with backgrounds in international relations and politics, communications and cultural studies. Students interested in research on China may be particularly attracted to work at our campus in Ningbo, but we encourage interest from candidates working in and on other areas of the world to apply, especially if they propose a comparative approach.

The scholarships cover tuition, a monthly stipend, and health insurance. Deadline May 15th.
Further details can be found here:

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