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[ecrea] Three-day PhD Course: Dialogic Communication, Participation and Collaboration in Research

Mon Apr 24 20:39:49 GMT 2017

*_Three-day PhD Course: Dialogic Communication, Participation and Collaboration in Research _*


*Monday, 27 November – Wednesday, 29 November 2017 *


*_Organisers_**: Dialogic Communication (research group), Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark*


*_Location_**: Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark*


*About the Course *

In collaborative research, social actors in the field under study are invited to participate in the co-

production of knowledge across the multiple knowledge forms that are brought into play.A

central assumption is that new knowledge can be generated through participation in dialogue

across differences, including differences of organizational position, professional background,

position, theoretical perspective, gender and ethnicity. But what do “dialogue”, “participation”

and “co-production/co-creation” mean concretely in collaborative PhD projects? How are they

played out in specific organizational and sociopolitical settings which shape and are shaped by

research practices? This course takes its starting point in the assumption that collaborative

research is fraught with tensions which arise in dialogue between different participants and across

different forms of knowledge and hierarchies of power. On the course, we will go into depth with

critical, reflexive ways of understanding and tackling the tensions in collaborative knowledge

production. We will work hands-on with the interplay between metatheoretical assumptions,

theory, methodology, methods, empirical material and practice.

The course is designed for PhD students who are engaged in collaborative research. We

understand collaborative research as a heterogeneous field embracing different kinds of

Action Research and other approaches in which research is construed as “co-production/co-

creation” where actors outside the research institution are invited to participate as co-producers

of knowledge/co-researchers. The course is open for PhD students in different fields and

empirical topic areas within and across the social sciences and humanities.

Relevant topics for PhD research include but are not restricted to

  * Dialogic, participatory approaches to communication in health care
    and social work
  * Interdisciplinary collaboration
  * Co-creation in participatory media
  * Co-design in digital communication
  * ”Bottom up” organisational change
  * Citizen involvement in public administration and urban planning
  * Public engagement with science and the environment.

Based on principles of dialogue, we will strive to create a space for mutual learning across the

different fields and topics.



Professor Bengt Karlsson

Professor Ottar Ness

Associate Professor Birgitte Ravn Olesen

Professor Louise Phillips (PhD course coordinator)

The course is organised by Dialogic Communication (departmental research group), Department of

Communication and Humanities, Roskilde University.

*Course aims **__*

The main aim of the course is to support participants’ PhD projects by working with approaches to

dialogic communication, participation and collaboration in relation to tensions in collaborative

research. We will focus on the interplay between theoretical lens, methodological approach,

analysis and practice. The course is intended to provide participants with insights into the

tensions in collaborative research and with methods for tackling complexity both with respect to

their own research practices and with respect to other practices that represent objects of

empirical analysis.

The course is designed to help to answer complex questions such as the following:

  * How can we practise, analyse, and understand collaborative research
    in ways that take account of the complexity of relations among the
    collaborating actors and among the different knowledge forms?
  * How can we analyse and understand communication processes among the
    collaborating actors in terms of different theories of dialogic
    communication as processes where different knowledge forms meet, are
    negotiated and may collide?
  * How can we use these analyses in order to tackle the tension between
    opening up for a plurality of different voices /and/ managing the
    research process in order to create a product (or set of products)
    that can satisfy all the relevant parties (including the board of
    Ph.D. examiners that demand scientifically valid knowledge- claims
    and practitioners who seek input that they can use)?
  * What can we do to tackle tensions in our research practice
    critically and reflexively without derailing or scuppering the project?

  * How can we critically and reflexively work with issues of democracy,
    power and control in the practice and analysis of collaborative
    knowledge production? How do we conceptualise power? And how is this
    understanding of power performative in different stages of the
    research process and with which consequences for the relations we
    establish and the results we arrive at?
  * How can we contribute to the development of theories, concepts and
    methods that can further and improve practices of dialogic
    communication, participation and collaboration?


*Course format *


The course will be organised along interactive, dialogic lines in a series of workshops.

Morning workshops will be thematically organised in order to address the questions listed above.

They will be based on a combination of presentations by course teachers and hands-on group

work. Afternoon workshops will consist of course participants’ presentations and feedback based

on the 10-page papers (in English, Danish, Norwegian or Swedish) submitted by course

participants prior to the course. Afternoon workshops will be divided into groups of 5-6

participants. It is expected that every group member has read all papers in their group prior to the

course. In addition, there will be two designated feedback givers (1 PhD student & 1 teacher) who

will give detailed feedback. A detailed programme for each day will be sent out in November.

Morning workshops will be held in English. There will be both English-language and Scandinavian-

language afternoon workshops (depending on the language of the 10-page papers submitted).

The aim of this format is to create a dynamic interplay between the metatheoretical, theoretical,

methodological, empirical and practice-oriented perspectives brought into play on the course and

in PhD research practices.

*Course teachers*


*Bengt Karlsson *(Dr.polit, University of Oslo, PhD in Nursing Science 2004, Family Therapist, University College of Oslo and Akershus, 2012). I am Professor of Mental Health Care at the Department of Health, Social and Welfare Studies, and leader of Centre for Mental Health and Substance Abuse at the University College of Southeast Norway, and have a position as Researcher at the University Hospital of Akershus, Health Trust, Department of Psychiatry. My research interests are dialogical and collaborative practices in mental healthcare and substance abuse, Open Dialogue, Philosophy of Science and research methodologies. My publications include Borg, Marit; Karlsson, Bengt; Kim, Hesook Suzie; McCormack, Brendan (2012), “Opening up for Many

Voices in Knowledge Construction. /Forum qualitative Sozialforschung/, 13 (1), and Klevan, Trude Gøril; Karlsson, Bengt Eirik; Ness, Ottar; Grant, Alec; Ruud, Torleif (2016) “Between a rock and a softer place - A discourse analysis of helping cultures in crisis resolution teams”. /Qualitative Social Work/.

*Ottar Ness *(cand.polit. Educational Psychology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2006; family therapist, Diakonhjemmet University College, 2006; PhD, Family Therapy, Tilburg University, 2011). I am Professor of Mental Health Care at the Department of Health, Social and Welfare Studies, Centre for Mental Health and Substance Abuse at the University College of Southeast Norway, Professor II of Mental Health Care at NORD University, and Professor of Counselling at Norwegian University of Science and Technology. My research interests are dialogical and collaborative practices in mental healthcare, family therapy and research methodologies. My publications include Ness, O.; Kvello, Ø.; Borg, M.; Semb, R. & Davidson, L. (2017). “Sorting things out together:” Young Adults’ Experiences of Collaborative Practices in Mental Health and Substance Use Care. /American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 20/(2), and Gergen, K. J. & Ness, O. (2016). “Therapeutic Practice as Social Construction”. In M. O´Reilly & J. Lester (Eds.), /The Palgrave Handbook of Adult Mental Health: Discourse and Conversation Studies/ (pp. 502-519). London, UK: Palgrave MacMillan.

*Birgitte Ravn Olesen*is Associate Professor in Communication Studies, Department of Communication and Humanities and member of the research group on Dialogic Communication, Roskilde University, Denmark. I have a MA in Communication Studies and a PhD on the coordinated management of meaning between health visitors and parents (Roskilde University). My research interests include theories and methods for understanding processes of communication and dialogic knowledge production in collaboration between researchers and practitioners. I have recently completed a research and development project with a Danish hospital and is currently engaged in action research with a disability enterprise.My publications include Olesen, B. R. & Nordentoft, H. M. (2013). ”Too much coffee: A micro-sociological approach to the co-production of knowledge and power in action research”. in/International Journal of Action Research/, 9(1): 67-94 anda book on communication processes in health care, /Kommunikation i kontekst/Kommunikation in context / (Munksgaard, 2014, co-author Helle M. Nordentoft).

*Louise Phillips*(B.A. Hons in Psychology & Sociology, Strathclyde University, 1984; MSc, 1989, PhD, 1993, Social Psychology, LSE). I am Professor of Communication at the Department of Communication and Humanities and coordinator of the research group on Dialogic Communication, Roskilde University, Denmark. My research interests are in dialogic approaches to communication theory and practice, including collaborative research practices. I was the co-ordinator of the NordForsk Network for the Study of the Dialogic Communication of Research (2008–2012). My publications include /The Promise of Dialogue: The Dialogic Turn in the Production and Communication of Knowledge /(2011), /Citizen Voices: Performing Public Participation in Science and Environment Communication /(2012, with co-editors A. Carvalho and J. Doyle) and /Knowledge and Power in Collaborative Research: A Reflexive Approach/ (2013, with co-editors, M. Kristiansen, M. Vehvilainen & E. Gunnarsson).



*Course registration __*

To register for the course, please send a mail to Karen Kleis ((kleis /at/ <mailto:(kleis /at/>), doctoral school administrator, Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University. The deadline for registration is *1 October 2017*.

To participate in the course, you have to submit a 10-page paper in English, Danish, Norwegian or Swedish by *Friday 27 October 2017 *with the following content:

a) an outline of the research design of the PhD project

b) a description of the ongoing research practices including methods of data production and analysis

c) a description of challenges, dilemmas and problems that you would like input in order to tackle.

If you have already produced some data, you are welcome to include some of it (1-5 pages, in addition to the 10-page paper) so that it may form an object of analysis in morning workshops. In addition, all participants should read a collection of course readings prior to the course. The course readings will be made available during October 2017.

You are welcome to contact the course coordinator, Louise Phillips ((louisep /at/ <mailto:(louisep /at/>) if you would like more information about the course.


ECTS points: 5 ECTS


*Course fee*


2400 Danish Kroner (includes lunch and refreshments). The course is free of charge for PhD students from Roskilde University and PhDs enrolled in Danish programmes within the Humanities.

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