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[ecrea] 3 PhD studentships available for the network European Film, European Heritage, European Identity

Fri Jun 06 12:20:15 GMT 2014

The closing date is approaching for these studentships – please could I ask you to share this information with current MA students or other appropriate candidates.

Three fully-funded PhD studentships will be available for Session 2014/15 as part of the White Rose College of the Arts & Humanities Network entitled ‘European Film, European Heritage, European Identity’.

1. The place of history in European cultural policy

2. The Limits of ‘European-ness’in European historical drama

3. The consumption of historical dramas across and beyond Europe
Each studentship will provide Home/EU tuition fees and a stipend paid at standard Research Council rates (£13,863 for 2014/15).
Closing date for applications: 5pm 13th June 2014.

The network
The network links the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield and York and is part of the White Rose College of the Arts & Humanities (WRoCAH).

Collectively, the three studentships will explorethe role played by European institutions in the production of European historical dramas, examining three interrelated topics. Each project will be primarily based at one of the three White Rose universities, but students will be co-supervised by staff from two institutions and will benefit from the input of the wider network team. Each of the three successful applicants will be expected to participate fully in the activities of the network. They will also have access to all the additional opportunities provided by the White Rose College of the Arts and Humanities, including Research Training Mobility funds, Researcher Employability projects, and Knowledge Exchange Projects. Further details about the doctoral training and opportunities offered by WRoCAH can be found at:<>.
Queries about the network should be directed to the network co-ordinator, Dr Alan O’Leary ((a.oleary /at/<mailto:(a.oleary /at/>). Queries about individual projects should be directed to the project supervisors (listed below).

Studentship 1 (based at Leeds): The place of history in European cultural policy. We wish to facilitate student-led research ideas for the studentship, perhaps especially in terms of the country or countries a candidate would wish to focus on, and it will form part of the application process to suggest ideas that can be discussed and developed with the project supervisors. The following questions are intended as a guide to the research area. What role does European, national and regional cultural policy play in the production of historical dramas, how do filmmakers negotiate such policy and how does film production interact with the wider heritage sector?’ Supervisors: Professor Paul Cooke (Centre for World Cinemas, Leeds), (p.cooke /at/<mailto:(p.cooke /at/>; Professor Duncan Petrie (Theatre, Film and Television, York), (duncan.petrie /at/<mailto:(duncan.petrie /at/> Studentship 2 (based at Sheffield): The Limits of ‘European-ness’ in European historical drama. We wish to facilitate student-led research ideas for the studentship, perhaps especially in terms of the country or countries a candidate would wish to focus on, and it will form part of the application process to suggest ideas that can be discussed and developed with the project supervisors. The following questions are intended as a guide to the research area. How do historical dramas extend, or delimit, the possibilities of historical representation? How do their various modes of emotional engagement with history underline, or reflect tensions in, the aims of the European heritage industry as a whole’ Supervisors: Dr Jonathan Rayner (English, Sheffield), (j.r.rayner /at/<mailto:(j.r.rayner /at/>; Dr Alan O’Leary (Italian/Modern Languages and Cultures, Leeds), (a.oleary /at/<mailto:(a.oleary /at/> Studentship 3 (based at York): The consumption of historical dramas across and beyond Europe. We wish to facilitate student-led research ideas for the studentship, perhaps especially in terms of the country or countries a candidate would wish to focus on, and it will form part of the application process to suggest ideas that can be discussed and developed with the project supervisors. The following questions are intended as a guide to the research area. How are historical dramas distributed and consumed across and beyond Europe? Who is their audience and what are the mechanisms of their consumption? To what extent do films circulate beyond their country of origin and how does this circulation reflect common understandings of the ‘European Project’? Supervisors, Professor Andrew Higson (Theatre, Film and Television, York), (Andrew.higson /at/<mailto:(Andrew.higson /at/>; Dr David Forrest (English, Sheffield), (d.forrest /at/<mailto:(d.forrest /at/>

Applicants should have an undergraduate degree (normally 2:1 or above, or equivalent) and be studying for, or have completed, a Masters degree (or have experience deemed to be equivalent to a Masters degree) in a subject relevant to the main discipline highlighted in each studentship. A willingness to undergo sufficient training when needed in the other disciplines is essential. Applicants whose first language is not English must meet the English Language requirements of the relevant university and department.

Studentship 1 (Leeds): complete the PhD application form available at as well as the studentship application form at return this to (pg_scholarships /at/<mailto:(pg_scholarships /at/>.

Studentship 2 (Sheffield): complete the PhD application form available at

Studentship 3 (York): complete the PhD application form available at

IMPORTANT: In addition to submitting the form to the individual institutions, you must send a copy of your application to the network co-ordinator, (a.oleary /at/<mailto:(a.oleary /at/>, by 5pm on Friday 13 June 2014. On the application forms for each institution, you should state that you are applying for one of the studentships in the WRoCAH-funded network ‘European Film, European Heritage, European Identity’. You should also indicate how you will develop your project within the areas outlined in the descriptions of the studentships (above) and detail how your previous academic experience has prepared you to undertake that project. Where relevant, indicate training needs (e.g. languages).
Alan O'Leary
School of Modern Languages and Cultures (Italian), University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT UK
Tel: +44 (0)113-3433633

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