Archive for jobs, 2013

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[ecrea] Vacant Job in the Priority Program Mediatized Worlds at the University of Bremen

Tue May 21 16:42:43 GMT 2013

As soon as possilbe the Coordinating Project of the Priority Program
Mediatized Worlds ( looks for one or two new
research assistants (2x 13 TVL 65% or 1x 13 TVL 100%). The position is
limited until September 30, 2014 for now. The positions are vacant at
the ZeMKI (Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research) in
the area of expertise of Prof. Dr. Friedrich Krotz.

The main task is to coordinate the communication and adminstration
regarding the projects of the Priority Program. Furthermore, the
management of ressources, the organisation of workshops and meetings for
national and international participants as well as the transfer of
research results into practical experience belongs to the tasks.
Theoretical basics of the reserch programm are devised as well.

The complete job advertisment is in German and can be found under

Applications with common douments with the reference number A 126/13 can
be send to until May 29, 2013:

Universität Bremen
Fachbereich 9
Linzer Straße 4
28359 Bremen

Dr. Iren Schulz

Universität Bremen - FB 9
ZeMKI, Zentrum für Medien-, Kommunikations-&  Informationsforschung
IPKM, Institut für historische Publizistik, Kommunikations- und
!!!! Neuer Raum: jetzt 1400
Linzer Str. 4
28359 Bremen

Email:(iren.schulz /at/
Tel: 0421/218-67629

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