Archive for jobs, 2011

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[ecrea] Screen PhD studentships commencing October 2012, University of Glasgow: applications invited

Mon Oct 24 20:29:39 GMT 2011

The international film and television studies journal, /Screen, /will support three PhD studentships from October 2012. Further information on /Screen/ may be found _here_ <>. Students will be based in the School of Culture and Creative Arts at the University of Glasgow in Scotland (U.K.) and supervised by one or more members of the/ Screen /editorial board as appropriate. We are keen to attract the best candidates and therefore do not insist that the proposed research be restricted to a prescribed area of study. Nonetheless, prospective candidates may wish to consider /Screen/'s history and its ongoing intervention into the theoretical debates in film, television and other audio-visual media.
Topics might include:

   * Classic film theory and /Screen /theory today
   * Film theory and contemporary issues of spectatorship
   * Film/television history
   * Film/television aesthetics
   * How film theory can inform the study of
     world/diasporic/transnational cinemas
   * Film/television performance

_*The closing date for applications is Friday, 2nd March, 2012*_
To apply, please email (_screen /at/ <mailto:(screen /at/>, with the subject header "Screen Studentship Application", and including the following information:

   * A title and description for your proposed PhD project (500 words)
   * A C.V. detailing your academic record to date and if possible a
     _copy _of your transcript (NB please indicate your status as a
     student i.e. E.U., International, UK)
   * Two academic references

ONLY candidates with a good undergraduate degree, and who have (or are completing) an initial programme of post-graduate study (e.g. an M.A. or M.Litt.) will be considered. Successful candidates will be notified via letter/email by Professor Karen Lury, and then asked to apply to the Graduate School in the College of Arts at the University of Glasgow. Details of that application process can be found _here_ <>. We _do not_ require students to apply to the University of Glasgow until they have been nominated for a /Screen/ award. However, candidates who are hoping to secure other funding for their studies from the University of Glasgow should apply in the normal way. If you would like to discuss your project and specific details relating to the award more informally, please email Professor Karen Lury, University of Glasgow at (_Karen.Lury /at/ <mailto:(Karen.Lury /at/>.
*Heather Middleton* - Journal and Conference Assistant
Direct line: +44 (0)141 330 5035
Fax: +44 (0)141 330 3515
Email: (screen /at/
Gilmorehill Centre
University of Glasgow
G12 8QQ
/Screen/ available online at _http://screen.oxfordjournals.org_
The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401

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