Archive for jobs, June 2010

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[ecrea] eParticipation -PhD Studentship - University of Dundee (Scotland)

Mon Jun 14 09:16:56 GMT 2010

>University of Dundee - School of Computing
>Applications are invited for a PhD studentship 
>in eParticipation funded by the EPSRC. The 
>studentship is a joint appointment between the 
>Social Inclusion through the Digital Economy Hub 
>and the Argumentation Research Group, based in 
>the School of Computing at the University of 
>Dundee. The project will explore how 
>technologies for discussion, debate and 
>participation online can meet the demands of diverse user groups.
>About Digital Inclusion: The ability to use new 
>technologies is currently at the heart of social 
>inclusion, with those excluded being left of out 
>of many work, entertainment, communication, 
>healthcare and social benefits. Our goal is to 
>develop interfaces and access methods to systems 
>and services that are appropriate for everyone. 
>The SiDE Hub research brings together a 
>multidisciplinary team to address a complex set 
>of inclusion issues. For more information, see 
>About Argumentation Technology: The argument web 
>is a vision for debate, negotiation and critical 
>rationality brought to the digital world. It is 
>a meeting of many dozens of research projects at 
>institutions worldwide which collectively aim to 
>support the analysis, generation, critiquing, 
>evaluation, teaching, and mathematical 
>interpretation of argument, debate, and reasoned 
>interaction online. For more information, see 
>At the most recent RAE, the School's research 
>was rated fourth in Scotland, with two thirds of 
>its research rated world leading or 
>internationally excellent (4* or 3*). Dundee has 
>been ranked amongst the top places in the world 
>for scientists to work (The Scientist), and has 
>one of the lowest costs of living in the UK.
>Stipendary payments are at EPSRC levels (£13,290 
>tax-free for academic year 2009/10). Applicants 
>should meet the EPSRC's eligibility requirements 
>(see <>, 
>and should typically have a first class degree 
>in an appropriate subject. Interest in, or 
>exposure to, argumentation and debate in either 
>computational or philosophical settings would be 
>a distinct advantage, as would applicants with 
>skills and interests in HCI, interaction design, 
>ethnography or other approaches involved in creating improved user experiences.
>The project and the appointment will run from 1 September 2010 through until
>31 March 2014 (42 months).
>Further details are available from 
>. Applicants should send a CV with a covering 
>letter to Prof. Chris Reed, School of Computing, 
>University of Dundee, Dundee DD1 4HN, or by 
>email to 
><mailto:(chris /at/>(chris /at/, 
>by the closing date, 01 August 2010.

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
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European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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