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[ecrea] PhD Research Studentship in Popular Music, Mass Media and Contemporary Society

Mon Apr 12 14:28:31 GMT 2010

>PhD in Popular Music, Mass Media and 
>Contemporary Society (Our Ref: RS10-SASS05)
>There have been significant recent shifts in the 
>relationship between popular music and other 
>media forms. In cinema, the practice of 
>commissioning a newly-composed soundtrack has 
>been largely replaced by the employment of 
>pre-existing pop/rock tracks; in TV 
>advertisements, the presence of popular music 
>and the visibility of popular musicians have 
>increasingly challenged the jingles and 
>anonymised voiceovers of traditional advertising 
>practice; within journalism, the (non-musical) 
>behaviour of popular musicians has become a 
>central facet of the current pre-occupation with the cult of celebrity.
>Proposals are invited for postgraduate projects 
>that seek to explore such developments, and 
>which reflect the applicants own interests and 
>priorities. Thus, for example, proposals might 
>seek to provide a general assessment of the 
>causes and consequences of the emergent 
>relationship between music and other media; or 
>to concentrate on a specific area of 
>media/musical activity; or to examine the 
>implications for professional notions of 
>authenticity & creativity; or to concentrate on 
>the historical, economic or musical significance of these trends.
>Enquiries regarding this studentship should be 
>made to Dr Ian Inglis: <mailto:(ian.inglis /at/>(ian.inglis /at/
>Tel: 0191 227 3417
>Applicants should hold a first or upper second 
>class honours degree in a relevant subject from 
>a British higher education institution, or 
>equivalent. Students who are not UK/EU residents 
>are eligible to apply, provided they hold the 
>relevant academic qualifications (together with 
>an IELTS score of at least 6.5).
>You should apply using the Universitys Research 
>Studentship Application Form. Further details on 
>the Universitys Research Studentship Scheme, 
>together with the Application Form, can be found on our website:
>Applications should be submitted to:
>Andrew Poole
>Principal Administrator for Research
>Arts & Social Sciences
>Northumbria University
>Squires Building
>Newcastle upon Tyne
>NE1 8ST
>+44 (0)191 227 3206
><mailto:(a.poole /at/>(a.poole /at/
>Deadline for applications: 14 May 2010
>Interview date to be arranged
>Start Date: October 2010
>Funding Notes
>The studentship is funded by Northumbria 
>University, and includes home fees and a bursary 
>of £13,489 p.a. is available. The period of funding is 3 years.
>Recent publications by Dr Inglis:
>The Beatles, Popular Music And Society: A 
>Thousand Voices, ed. (London: Macmillan 2000; 
>New York: St Martins Press 2000; Tokyo: Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha 2005)
>Popular Music And Film, ed. (London: Wallflower 
>2003; New York: Columbia University Press 2003)
>Performance And Popular Music: History, Place 
>And Time, ed. (Aldershot & Burlington, VT: Ashgate 2006)
>Journal articles/Chapters
>The Road Not Taken Performance And Popular 
>Music: History, Place And Time ed. Ian Inglis (Ashgate 2006), pp 41-51
>The Politics Of Nomenclature Journal Of Popular 
>Music Studies 18.1, 2006, pp 3-17
>The Ed Sullivan Show And The (Censored) Sounds 
>Of The Sixties Journal Of Popular Culture 39.4, 2006, pp 558-575
>Fabricating The Fab Four: Pastiche And Parody 
>Access All Eras: Tribute Bands And Global Pop 
>Culture ed. Shane Homan (Open University Press 2006), pp 121-134
>Popular Music History On Screen: The Pop/Rock 
>Biopic Popular Music History 2.1, 2007, pp 77-93
>Sex & Drugs & RocknRoll: Urban Legends And 
>Popular Music Popular Music & Society 30.5, 2007, pp 591-603
>Hammastyttavat Tarinat: Populaarimusiikin 
>Urbaanien Myyttien Synty Ja Levitys Musiikin Suunta 29.3, pp 4-17
>Histoire de la Pochette: Magie, Mythe et Musique 
>(Cover Story: Magic, Myth And Music) Sgt Pepper 
>& The Beatles: It Was Forty Years Ago Today ed Olivier Julien (Ashgate 2008)
>Revolution The Cambridge Companion To The 
>Beatles ed Kenneth Womack (Cambridge University Press 2008)
>Scary Movies, Scary Music: Uses And Unities Of 
>Heavy Metal In The Contemporary Horror Film 
>(with Lee Barron) Music To Die By: The Music And 
>Sound Of The Horror Film ed Philip Hayward & Rebecca V. Leydon (Equinox 2008)
>The Politics Of Stardust Or The Politics Of 
>Cool: Popular Music And The Honours System 
>Journal Of Popular Music Studies (forthcoming)
>A Captive Audience? Approaching The Audience ed Sarah Leahy (forthcoming)
>Something Old, Something New, Something 
>Borrowed&Something Blue: The Beatles Yellow 
>Submarine Off The Pad: Animation Film Sound And 
>Music ed Rebecca Coyle (Equinox 2009)
>Absolute Beginners: The Evolution Of A British 
>Popular Music Scene The Ashgate Research 
>Companion To Popular Musicology ed Derek B. Scott (Ashgate 2009)
>Second Time Around Cover Songs In Popular Music 
>ed George Plasketes (forthcoming)
>Re-viewing The Reviews: The British Weekly Pop 
>Press And The Beatles Popular Music & Society (forthcoming)

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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