Archive for calls, January 2023

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[Commlist] CFP: Metaphor & Misinformation conference

Mon Jan 16 21:15:53 GMT 2023

Call for Papers: “Metaphor & Misinformation: Religion in Media-Driven Worlds”

*2023 Conference of the International Society for Media, Religion andCulture *

Conference location: CERES Bochum (Germany)

Conference dates: 2-5 of August 2023

Deadlinefor Paper proposals:28January 2023 *[Deadline Extended] *

Notification of acceptances: End of February 2023

The history of religion, and current debates regarding spirituality, are full of diverse metaphors thatareusedto  communicatecomplex ideas. Deities are often described as animals or objectsthattake on human characteristics.  Believers are envisioned asa flock or aship’screw.The religious lives ofindividualsareexplained as ajourney,  an apprenticeship, a struggle, ora path.These metaphors are woven into myths that help make the intangible accessible andcreate personal worldviews. Yetin an age of fake newsand post-truth,the use of images and  narratives can complicatealready complex discussions of religion in the mediatedpublic sphere.

In light of this, weinvite papersthat exploretheconcepts of metaphors and the communication ofreligious information within media cultures throughout history. We believe these analysesoffer an opportunity to explore metaphorical differencesand similarities across cultural perspectives. It willalso enable a theoreticalreflection on  the ways in which we usemetaphorsto conceive ofthe relationship between media,technology, and religion and  the structuralimplicationsof the metaphors we useinour scholarly work.

Media, for example, has been describedby Birgit Meyer and others asdevices that bridge the gap between the immanent andtranscendent spheres. Other examples include Christian Nationalism, which often envisions

political leadersin “messianic”roles working “miracles” using God Talk. Or corporate marketers who create “brand cults” that rely on mythologies,imagery, and indoctrination strategies similar to new religious movements.

The historical rootsand evolution of these metaphors can bring clarity to the social consequences that we face today. Legacy media created and conceptualized different eras as media“worlds.” “Miscommunication” becomes the narrative for explaining fake news,religion-like conspiracy theories, orfilter bubbles. Importantly, metaphors  form the elementary parts of ourlinguisticcommunication, which evoke religiousbeliefs andethos for different groups. Religiousconceptssuch as conversion orredemption, whichare linked to religiousexperiences, carry

withthem mixed messages that canbe easily skewed or weaponized whentransitioned intosecular media

We are alsointerestedin papersfrom religious communicators, and encourage collaborations with thoseinthe fieldsof history, theology, semiotics, linguistics, philosophy, and popular cultureto reflect onthese themes. For  example, how do mediaoutlets andinfluencers use metaphors toteach or discussmeaning, purpose,orinfluence?  What isthe outcome of these framings?

With the relaxing of COVID-19 restrictions,this conference will serve asthe biennial meeting ofthe International  Society forMedia, Religion, and Culture, withtheaim of exploring theseissuesfrom a range of disciplinary perspectives. Sinceits firstmeeting back in 1996,theconference has become the leading international gathering  forthe discussionofresearch inreligion, media, andculture.

Confirmed key notes and speakersinclude:TBD

The conference invites proposals for panels and roundtable sessionsas wellasindividualpapers.of up to 350  words. Panelandroundtable proposals should alsoinclude papertitles, 150-word abstractsfor each paper,and  names and titlesof up tofour participants(inadditiona panel moderator or respondentcanalso beincluded).

Please notethat conferenceattendees are not allowedto be includedin more than two presentations(i.e., present  on a paneland offer apaper, take partin a panel and a roundtable, orhave theirnames listed ontwo papers).

Paperand panel sessions conducted in otherlanguagesthan English(German-Spanish-French) will be considered,  however, abstracts shouldbe provided both in Englishand the proposed language forsuchsubmissions.

Potential panel, workshop,and paper proposals may address, but are not limitedto, thefollowing themes:

• Informationand misinformation inreligious communication

• Religious metaphors in past and presenttimes

• Humor and religion

• Religious freedom and blasphemy

• Sacred texts and metaphors

• Religionand conspiracy theories

• Media and the contested visibility of religion

• Genderand metaphors

• Social media and religious metaphors

• Media and the politicization of metaphors

• Metaphor andreligious nationalism

• Metaphor & misinformation: Religionin media-driven worlds in publictheology
• Media and varieties of non-religion

• Media, religion and metaphorsin a global perspective

• Historical media, material religion and metaphors

• Religions aslandscapes,cities,objects

• Truth,filterbubblesand fake news

More information aboutthe conference a <>bstractsubmissionand registration process will beavailable onthe  ISMRC webpage: <>

The conference willtake placein Bochum, G <>ermany, in conjunction with the Center for Religious Studies atRuhr  University-Bochum: <>

For information aboutthe venue, housin <>gand transportation see the conference page: <>

We warmly welcome you to Germany and ISMRC in 2023!

Miriam Diez Bosch, Director. Blanquerna Observatory on Media, Religion and Culture(Ramon Lull University), Conference Program Planner a <mailto:(miriamdb /at/>nd Vice President, International Society forMedia, Religion,and Culture:
(miriamdb /at/ <mailto:(miriamdb /at/>

Heidi A Campbell, Professor,Texas A&M University, President, International Society forMedia, Religion,and  Culture President, International Society for Media, Religion, and Culture

Tim Karis, Managing Director, Centerfor Religious Studies (CERES), Ruhr University Bochum.  Local  Conference Host.

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