Archive for calls, January 2004

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[eccr] 1st Global Conference - Interdisciplinary Research Methods: Exploring Innovation in Research

Fri Jan 30 08:22:26 GMT 2004

>1st Global Conference
>Interdisciplinary Research Methods: Exploring
>Innovation in Research
>Friday 14th May - Saturday 15th May 2004
>Budapest, Hungary
>Call for Papers
>Marking the launch of a new inter- and multi-
>disciplinary research project, this conference aims
>to examine, explore and promote innovative and
>inter-disciplinary research methods. Many research
>methodologies exist across the disciplines but it
>is sadly true that the amount of transference
>between disciplines is rare and inter-disciplinary
>approaches all too few.
>Since the inception of Inter-Disciplinary.Net we
>have been forcibly struck by how many are dealing
>with this issue at the micro-level in that they are
>experimenting with research methods that whilst
>well-established, are novel to their chosen
>discipline. Philosophical techniques have been used
>in management, transdisciplinary approaches have
>been used in biomedicine, and multi-disciplinary
>approaches are being used in IT, computing and
>multimedia. The conference attempts to tackle this
>issue head on and look for innovation in the way
>research is conducted, both in terms of re-use of
>existing approaches and/or new methods that are
>beginning to emerge.
>Papers, presentations, workshops and reports are
>invited on any of the following themes:
>* New methods that focus on inter-disciplinary
>work; understanding inter-disciplinary concepts;
>inter-disciplinarity, multi-disciplinarity,
>transdisciplinarity; interlinking research
>methodologies; the desirability of inter-
>disciplinary research.
>* Research methods and design; experimental models;
>the possibilities for inter-disciplinary
>collaboration and teamwork at national,
>international and global levels.
>* Methods which bridge academic research with
>business, professional and vocational research;
>understanding disciplines and how they evolve,
>institutions and how they are organised and methods
>of processing and transmitting research.
>* Quantitative and qualitative research methods (a
>comparison and/or case studies and/or pros and
>* Case studies of re-use of existing methods in new
>domains; the significance of case study reporting.
>* Evaluations and assessments of such methods.
>* IT-compatible research methods (data processing
>methodologies; processing of field work data; of
>interviews, etc.)
>* Acceptability to the political, economic and
>social worlds (e.g. funding).
>* (Politically determined) power imbalances
>(mainstream methodologies vs. minority/
>Indigenous/feminist/ethnic methodologies).
>* Cultural differences in research methods.
>* Interculturally appropriate interview techniques
>and/or methods; cultural differences in such
>* Postcolonial methodologies (interculturally
>adequate methods) - current critique of
>(mainstream) postcolonial methodologies.
>This is purely an indicative list - papers are
>welcome on any related theme. There will also be an
>opportunity for a 'problem-solving' consultative
>exercise whereby projects in development from any
>context can be presented to the delegates for
>feedback and responses.
>Papers will be considered on any related theme. 300
>word abstracts should be submitted by Friday 27th
>February 2004. If your paper is accepted for
>presentation at the conference, an 8 page draft
>paper should be submitted by Friday 16th April 2004.
>All papers accepted for and presented at the
>conference will be published as an ISBN eBook.
>Selected papers accepted for and presented at this
>conference will be published in a hard copy themed
>300 word abstracts should be submitted to both the
>Organising Joint Chairs; abstracts may be in Word,
>WordPerfect, PDF or RTF formats.
>Dr David Seth Preston
>92 Colney Hatch Lane
>London N10 1EA
>Email: (david-preston /at/
>Dr Rob Fisher
>c/o Learning Solutions
>Priory House
>149B Wroslyn Road
>Freeland, Oxfordshire OX29 8HR
>Email: (rf /at/
>The conference is sponsored by Inter-
>Disciplinary.Net, Learning Solutions, and BRG as
>part of the 'At the Interface' programme of Higher
>Education projects. It aims to bring together
>people from different areas and interests to share
>ideas and explore various discussions which are
>innovative and exciting.
>For further details about the project please go to:
>For further details about the conference please
>go to:

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Katholieke Universiteit Brussel - Catholic University of Brussels
Vrijheidslaan 17 - B-1081 Brussel - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-412.42.78
F: ++ 32 (0)2/412.42.00
Office: 4/0/18
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.30
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.28.61
Office: C0.05
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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