Archive for June 2024

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[Commlist] CFP Live- PSA Media and Politics Group annual conference

Thu Jun 27 13:40:19 GMT 2024

CFP announcement — Our next annual conference will be on January 8-9 2025 at the University of Birmingham.

The conference theme this year is "Electoral communication in 2024: Responding to a year of turbulence in media and politics", with keynotes from Dr Patricia Rossini (University of Glasgow) and Professor Darren Lilleker (Bournemouth University) . Full CFP accessed here and is shared below:

The deadline for abstracts (250 words max) is Monday, 29 July 2024. We also welcome panel proposals of three to four papers. Please send to (a.j.rhodes /at/

This is a hybrid conference, and we encourage applications from Early Career Researchers. We have reduced conference fees for PhD researchers/precarious workers and those participating remotely. We also have a limited number of travel subsidies for PGRs.

The Department of English Language and Linguistics at the University of Birmingham will host the PSA Media & Politics Specialist Group Annual Conference in January 2025. This will be a hybrid event. 2024 is set to be one of the biggest election years in history with voters across the world taking to the polls. Political campaigners have been using media in innovative ways for decades, but recent years have seen digitalized changes and challenges take place.

Before 2024, politicians and their parties were finding novel ways to communicate and campaign. The increasingly erratic party leader engagement with televised political debates, the steady decline in news consumption, and the use of social media, now so ubiquitous, have brought changes to communication strategies. One example is the use of video game spaces as election hubs. In 2020, US presidential campaigners and senators took to the video game Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) to communicate with voters. Alongside politicians, social movements also took to Animal Crossing to host protests, including the Pro-Democracy Hong Kong movement, the Black Lives Matter movement, the global climate strike, and the Pride celebrations. Aside from demonstrations in gaming spaces, in recent years social movements have adopted voter-interaction within their campaigning to communicate with the electorate both on and offline.

As the cycle of the elections in 2024 advances, election experts think that advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have the potential to introduce novel disruptions to the democratic process. Previous campaigning used technology to curate and match specific communications with targeted audiences. Today, the disinformation tactics of the past few elections, combined with the emerging wave of technology adept at autonomously crafting tailored content, are elevating concerns about AI’s influence on public discourse. Concerns around ‘election hacking’ have entered public conversations. In 2023, deep fakes of President Joe Biden were circulating in the US, and AI-generated news anchors have been created and used to spread disinformation ahead of the 2024 Venezuelan and Bangladeshi elections. Big tech companies such as Google and Meta are responding by developing policies to adapt to the challenges of AI-generated content, and well-resourced broadcasters and journalists are formulating content authenticity protocols with which to identify the rhetoric of dis/misinformation and deep fakes.

In 2024, political campaigning and advertising from across the globe and political spectrum will take centre stage across multiple mediated spaces. From legacy media outlets to social media tech giants and on to social movements and citizen journalists, the range of (dis/mis)information available to voters is broader than ever before. This conference invites contributions that explore how politicians, strategists, social movements, journalists, the electorate, citizens, and other political actors are responding to the challenges faced in this mediated landscape. It asks, in what ways has mediated political communication changed in 2024? Are new actors and new ways of campaigning emerging? And how do we, as media and politics scholars, respond?

While the main theme of this conference is electoral communication, the Media and Politics Group operates an open and inclusive policy, and papers dealing with any aspect of media and politics are welcomed. This may include areas of political communication and journalism but also includes a broader view of the political within online media, television, gaming, cinema and media arts, both factual and fictional.

Potential topics could include (but are not limited to):

- The role of social movement communication in elections
- Legacy media’s role in political and electoral communication
- Alternative media and electoral communication
- Relations between political actors and journalists
- The implications of AI in elections
- The power of political satire, cartoons, and memes
- Online harassment and abuse
- The role of affect, emotion, and authenticity within political communication - Disinformation, misinformation, malinformation, and threats to democratic health
- The opportunities and challenges of digital campaigning
- Datafication and challenges to democracy
- Activism, social movements, and the media
- The methodological challenges of researching election-focused media and political communication
- Decolonising/diversifying political and electoral communication research

Keynote speakers
We are delighted to share our two keynote speakers for the conference who will discuss electoral communication:

Dr Patricia Rossini (University of Glasgow) on polarization, political intolerance, and the role of social media and messaging apps in the 2022 Presidential election in Brazil

Professor Darren Lilleker (Bournemouth University) on how digital technology is impacting political communication and democracy

Call For papers
Please send abstract proposals for 15-minute papers to (a.j.rhodes /at/ . These should include the following: title and name, institutional affiliation and address, and email address, together with a paper title and abstract of no more than 250 words. Proposers should also indicate whether they are a current postgraduate student and if they intend to present their work remotely.

Panel proposals
We welcome panel proposals for this conference. If you wish to propose a panel, please note the following stipulations from the organising committee:

• Panel proposals should include a panel overview (max. 300 words), outlining the title, synopsis, and chair details, as well as the abstracts for each contributor (no more than 250 words).

• Panels usually consist of three to four papers and a chair.

• Panels should aim to reflect the diversity of the profession and all-male panels will not be considered.

Deadline for submitting abstracts: Monday, 29 July 2024

Decisions about inclusion in the programme will be communicated on Monday 2 September 2024 Registration fees

The cost of in-person attendance is £150 for salaried academics and £80 for PGR/low waged. This covers lunches and coffee breaks.

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