Archive for June 2024

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[Commlist] CFP: International Symposium in Ljubljana - War and Peace on Screen

Sun Jun 09 17:43:40 GMT 2024

International symposium War and Peace on Screen
24 and 25 September 2024
Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television, University of Ljubljana

We live in uncertain times. War zones are multiplying, military conflicts and war crimes, which are happening increasingly close to us, cannot be ignored, there are too many screens constantly conveying them to us. If the Gulf War with its representations in mainstream media had already encouraged Baudrillard to postulate its hyperreality, the live broadcast, made possible by new communication technologies at any moment and on a wide variety of channels, only intensifies this ontological effect. Technological capabilities, which have taken image (and sound) far beyond indexicality and at the same time made it possible for humans to leave the most lethal decisions to artificial intelligence, fill audiences with scepticism, distrust and fear. The increasingly tangible possibility of a devastating global conflict has shrunk the space for philosophical distance and it demands commitment and action from all of us.

Our international symposium will therefore shed light on the complexity of the present moment through multi- and interdisciplinary approaches and it will also put it in a historical perspective. The common denominator of the contributions will be visualising war and imagining peace on screens of all shapes and sizes, hence we shall be interested in questions such as:

- Technological development, which has radically transformed audiovisual media, too, can be understood as a paradigmatic shift that paves the way for posthumanism or the posthuman gaze. How does this affect the roles and responsibility of audiovisual media in relation to war? Is the range of these roles expanding or contracting? Is their responsibility greater or has it become impossible? - It is a well-known and well-documented fact that, throughout history, screens have often been called upon to serve as propaganda, especially when the latter’s goal was warmongering or incitement of hatred. What about screens as anti-war, peacemaking platforms or even as facilitators of conflict resolution? Does the noble goal as such guarantee their credibility, resonance and therefore also influence? - Are viewers of images of war becoming more literate and better informed through historical experience and increasingly complex theoretical reflection? Are technological development and the ensuing paradigmatic transformation making us more critically engaged or desensitised, more empathetic or apathetic? - What is the role of art in the present-day deluge of images of war? Is the space of artistic reflection the ultimate site of genuine contact with human tragedy, which is being dehumanised, willy-nilly, by the inevitable hyperproduction of current affairs content?
The symposium will take place in a hybrid format (in-person and online). Participants can present papers in Slovenian, English and other languages of our region. For additional information, contact the head of the symposium, Asst Prof Polona Petek ((polona.petek /at/ You can also follow us on our Facebook page (
All participants will have 30 minutes to present their papers. After 25 minutes, the chair of the panel will signal that the time is running out. Each panel will comprise three papers, followed by a 30-minute discussion with the audience moderated by the chair of the panel. If you wish to make your presentation online, please notify the head of the symposium.

If you have any technical questions regarding your presentation, please contact the head of the symposium. The lecture hall where the presentations will take place features a PC with internet connection, the option of connecting your own laptop, a DVD/Blu-Ray player and a large screen.
If you have decided to prepare your paper as a written contribution to undergo a blind peer-review process and be considered for the symposium publication (details to be announced at a later stage), please write your text in English and note that it should not exceed 45,000 characters with spaces (including footnotes and section Literature and resources). Submission deadline: 15 September 2024.
Deadline for proposals (max 300 words) 15 June 2024.
Please send your proposal to (Simpozij.AGRFT /at/
Notification of decision 15 July 2024.
The symposium is being organised within the framework of the research programme UL AGRFT Theatre and Interart Studies (Gledališke in medumetnostne raziskave ‒ P6-0376) with the financial support from the Slovenian Research Agency (Javna agencija za znanstvenoraziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost Republike Slovenije ‒ ARIS).

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