Archive for May 2024

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[Commlist] CFC: Crafting Impact - Exercises Beyond the Screen Production Classroom

Tue May 28 21:59:21 GMT 2024

We invite you to consider contributing to the book (and accompanying podcast series) */Crafting Impact: Exercises Beyond the Screen Production Classroom/*, which my colleague Ally Bisshop and I have been commissioned to put together. Please find a call for contributions below and do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions...
*/BOOK TITLE.../* Crafting Impact: Exercises Beyond the Screen Production Classroom */EDITORS.../* A/Prof Nico Meissner & Dr Ally Bisshop; Griffith University, Australia
*/PUBLISHER.../* Routledge
*/WHY.../* Screens have become the medium of the 21st century, yet learning discourses and teaching literature remain widely focused on discipline specific knowledge and craft skills that primarily support screen industry needs. This book attempts to shift the conversation by sharing *simple and actionable learning exercises* that allow students to apply screen production knowledge and skills *towards social and environmental justice within their local communities*. In searching for examples of impactful learning and teaching, we hope to demonstrate how film schools can contribute to a meaningful transformation of the communities in which they are embedded and the advancement of global development goals. */ON A MISSION.../* Our mission is to expand the screen production classroom into the world. To get there, this project aims to:

    define and create a suite of resources for impactful learning and
    teaching at film schools, by exploring how teachers understand and
    design for local or global impact. To this end, we invite practical
    exercises that can be implemented in screen production classrooms
    around the world.
    build a dynamic and adaptive community of practice that provides a
    platform for sharing, reflection and collaboration. In the spirit of
    addressing and building this community, the book will be accompanied
    by a podcast series and website as places for ongoing reflections
    and resource sharing between contributors, collaborators and

*/SCREEN.../* What do we mean by ‘screen practice/production’? Works of moving images in the widest sense; fiction or non-fiction, animated or computer-generated or live action, linear or interactive. We specifically encourage contributions that explore media convergence or apply screen practice in novel or unconventional ways.

*/HOW.../* The book is aimed at screen production students and their teachers. Each chapter will describe one learning exercise and include:

    a short summary of your underlying teaching philosophy;
    a case study of up to 1,000 words offering a narrative description
    of the exercise;
    an activity template with instructions for learners and teachers.

This material should offer simple and actionable instructions for learning, which readers can adapt and make their own: play with, modify, share, implement.

    Abstracts due: *12 July 2024*
    Notification of acceptance: 2 August 2024
    Full chapters due: 28 February 2025
    Targeted submission to publisher: 2 May 2025

*/ACTION.../* Please email an *abstract of up to 500 words* as well as a *100-word biography* to Ally at (a.bisshop /at/ <mailto:(a.bisshop /at/>and Nico at (n.meissner /at/ <mailto:(n.meissner /at/>. Your abstract should include a brief description of your learning exercise, its objectives, the context in which it was applied, and, if applicable, any learnings.

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