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[Commlist] CfP Southern Perspectives in Environmental Communication

Tue Jul 18 13:50:10 GMT 2023

*Southern Perspectives in Environmental Communication*

*Call for papers for publication in Media International Australia*

In the Anthropocene – the importance of environmental communication is increasingly being recognised. For instance, of the six major reports of the IPCC, the humanities and social sciences were largely absent in the first three, and barely mentioned in the fourth and fifth. Some called on the IPCC to overhaul how it engages with the social sciences and the sixth report, published in April 2023, was notable for its inclusion of social scientists, including environmental communication researchers.

The growing appreciation of the role of environmental communication to address some of our most urgent concerns makes it timely to ask if the field is truly global. By this we mean is it embracing the intellectual work and circulation of knowledge in and from scholars from the ‘regions’ and ‘peripheries’, and not just the traditional centres of the Northern Hemisphere? In /Southern Theory/, Connell (2007: 228) suggests, academics in rich peripheral countries, such as Australia and New Zealand, and those in the “privileged classes” in countries including Mexico, Chile, India, South Africa and Brazil, have resources for intellectual work and circulating knowledge. Their locations can bring “perspectives which overlap with those of the subaltern majorities”. But to what extent are these subaltern voices being heard?

This special topic is curious about the lived experiences and knowledge traditions informing the research and pedagogies of those living and working at the peripheries of scholarship that are possibly being overlooked in current environmental communication researchand invites researchers from the Asia-Pacific region, especially those working outside the metropolitan centres and/or in the regions most affected by climate change to contribute to this thematically coherent collection.

We would welcome research on topics including, but not restricted, to:

  * The ecological and social impacts of media systems and technologies,
    including the processes of mining and other extractive industries,
    manufacture and storage of technology and waste disposal;
  * The ways in which environmental communication practices and
    scholarship are informed by living and/or working in places hit
    hardest by the impacts of climate change, including climate action
    on social media platforms;
  * The social and professional factors informing how various media
    discourses on climate change are amplified or silenced in the places
    hit hardest by climate change, such as climate denialism;
  * The ways in which diverse knowledges, “ways of knowing” and
    traditions in scholarship and/or pedagogy present opportunities for
    “unorthodox” approaches to research methodologies, including
    collaborative and participatory research;

  * Evidence of the emergence of networks of cooperation in
    environmental communication that will open our field to peripheral
    perspectives and bring these closer to the ‘core’ of our field,
    where they belong.

*Key Dates*

Abstracts due: 15 September 2023

Authors notified: 30 September 2023

Full papers due: 30 February 2024

*Guest Editors*

Claire Konkes (University of Tasmania) and Alana Mann (University of Tasmania)

*Information about submission*

Send your proposal as one PDF file to Claire Konkes ((Claire.Konkes /at/ <mailto:(Claire.Konkes /at/>) by *15 September 2023*

Proposals should include an abstract of 500-750 words (not including references) along with short (100-word) authors’ bios.

No payment from the authors is required.

Authors of accepted proposals are expected to develop and submit their original article, for full blind review, in accordance with the journal’s peer-review procedure. Guidelines for manuscripts can be found <>.

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