Archive for July 2023

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[Commlist] Obra Digital new issue published and CFP

Tue Jul 04 12:54:27 GMT 2023

The 23rd issue <>of the journal Obra Digital, with a monographic section dedicated to 'Contemporary social processes and communication', has been published.

We are currently also accepting article submissions for our upcoming monographic section on 'Analysis of Narratives in the Creative and Cultural Industries'  to be published in the June 2024 issue.

The monographic section will be edited by Dr. Rodriguez-Amat, Joan (Sheffield Hallam University)

The journal Obra Digital is calling for a special issue focused on the analysis of narratives in the creative and cultural industries, with an emphasis on the platformization of cultural production (Nieborg & Poell, 2018), digital platforms, stories, and the role of key actors in the narrative process.

To this end, this monographic issue will focus on four main axes:

  * The platformization of cultural production and its impact on
    creativity and narratives. This first thematic axis examines how
    digital platforms influence audio-visual narratives, taking into
    account the correlation between institutional changes and the
    transformation of cultural practices, ranging from discussions in
    political economy to debates on interfaces and the transformation of
    narrative languages.

  * Narrative and digital influencers: emerging narrative models on
    social media. The second axis aims to explore the role and narrative
    models that figures such as YouTubers, Instagrammers, Twitchers, or
    TikTokers are adopting for new audiences, formats, and environments.

  * The power of sound: trends in narrative sound. The third axis
    focuses on the role of sound narratives, both in fiction and
    non-fiction genres, exploring the role of sound as a meme in
    audio-visual platforms or in other roles, as well as in
    sound-related environments (including the rise of podcasting), which
    highlight the potential of sound for meaning and storytelling.

  * Gender, diversity, and social perspective in audio-visual
    narratives. The fourth axis encompasses the variety of social
    perspectives on creative and cultural industries, with special
    attention to how gender or diversity is addressed in audio-visual
    production and the emergence of old or new tensions within platform

Complementary proposals that emphasize one or more of the following topics may also be accepted:

•     Creativity in audio-visual translation
•     Hate speech in cultural industries
•     Diversity in audio-visual narratives
•     Social documentaries and their narratives
•     Gender and audio-visual narratives
•     Cultural industries
•     Digital influencers
•     Narrative models in social media
•     Social narrative
•     Sound narrative
•     Digital platforms
•     Platformization of cultural production
•     Podcasting
•     Digital radio
•     Media reception: audiences
•     Audio-visual translation and digital platforms

*- Submission of originals: until October 31, 2023*
*- Publication: in the June issue, 2024*

To see the full call visit:

For more information you can contact: (obradigital /at/

No payment from the authors will be required.

The journal accepts articles in English and Spanish. All articles will
be translated into the other language free of charge for the authors so
that all articles will be published in both languages.

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