Archive for September 2018

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[ecrea] CfP special issue Gender and digital media

Sun Sep 23 13:03:34 GMT 2018

Our colleagues StartFragment Shelley Boulianne, Karolina Koc-Michalska and Thierry Vedel are preparing a special issue about "Gender in Digital Media" for the /Social Science Computer Review./

The deadline is *January 15th, 2019.*

All the information can be found below and also under the link


Call for papers

Gender and digital media: Friend or foe in times of change
Special issue: Social Science Computer Review

Edited by:

Shelley Boulianne, MacEwan University
Karolina Koc-Michalska, Audencia Business School Thierry Vedel, SciencesPo Paris

Time’s Person the Year (2017) was the Silence Breakers. The award recognizes efforts across the globe to raise gender issues including those related to sexual violence. This movement aligns with other movements challenging the ways in which women's voices are silenced or dismissed, as represented by the rise in discussions about mansplaining. This special issue will highlight the role of digital media in these movements as well as more generally the relationship between gender and digital media.

Sometimes digital media enables, other times it limits or impedes. For example, #metoo raises awareness of sexual violence, but using the hashtag makes people vulnerable to further victimization from trolls. Pointing out incidents of mansplaining can help raise awareness of this issue, but is social media able to support reasoned discussion that can inform social change? Is the online sphere able to support a complex discussion about (gender, race, class, sexuality-based) inequality in our society and do those discourses yield practical solutions to this problem?

Social media affordances can enable large scale mobilization, which may help the women’s movement as well as counter-movements, such as the men’s rights movement. While digital media can help produce large, diffuse networks, does it produce the strong ties required to sustain a movement? Tweeting at a protest event helps cultivate one’s civic identity, but it also enables government and police surveillance of these events. How are feminist organizations and groups responding to the challenges and opportunities presented by digital media?

We encourage a broad range of papers covering digital media’s advantages and disadvantages along two main research dimensions:
-	Gendered political uses of digital media, such as
o	Women's use of digital media for civic or political purposes
o	Gendered discourses in political and social environments
o	Changing repertoires for online activism
o	Gender dynamics of trolling (perpetrators, targets)
o Gender and digital inequality (skills, capital-enhancing uses) across the globe
-	Gendered organizations and social movements, such as
o	Studies of #metoo and similar movements across the globe
o	Role of social media in protest events, such as the Women’s March
o Adoption or rejection of the digital tools by movements seeking gender equality o The challenges of creating and cultivating an online collective identity that balances similarity and diversity o Interactions between gender-oriented movements and their counter-movements and states

We invite submissions from research conducted across the globe. We encourage qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches. Cross-national and longitudinal studies are especially welcome. As per Social Science Computer Review guidelines, all manuscripts must be empirical (must include data).

Manuscripts should be a maximum of 8,000 words (all included). All manuscript will go through a double-blind peer review process. Important dates:
Deadline for the manuscripts	January  15, 2019
Desk rejection	January  30, 2019
Accepted manuscripts published as online first	~ August 2019

The manuscript and all additional documents should be send to:
(sscr.gender /at/

All questions about the special issue should be directed to this email address, not to SSCR.

Author/s must submit in one email:

1. Manuscript in Word .doc or .docx format (all items as one file ordered as follows: title, abstract, keyword list, body, references, and endnotes (if any), tables, then figures). 2. Permission form: The lead author must fill out, sign, and email a pdf file of the original form. Scanning the signed forms to pdf and emailing is optional if digitally signing is impossible at your location, but this will slow processing. Please do this not waiting for final peer review as it expedites handling if the paper is accepted. For multiple-author papers, the lead author may sign for all authors. 3. Information Form:
4.	Title page with brief Author(s) Biographical Note with email address
5. Statement about data availability (it may refer to the website where the anonymized data are available; a statement that the data are available from an author at a given email address; or another method for accessing the data).

Please consult the SSCR guidelines below concerning formatting of the paper. Without it we are not able to start the peer-review process.

Quick style guide: Style guide:

The points below, some of which you may have met, are for your reference.
1. The abstract should contain study conclusions in as much detail as consistent with abstract brevity, not just name study topics. 2. Send a final copy, without markup. Do not have the title page or author bios in separate files. We do anonymization on our end. Do not have a running header, but do have page numbers. Do not have line numbering. Do not send in "read only" format. 3. APA style references (see the guide, above). In the body, cite references by name (e.g.,(Smith, 2016)). The reference list should be alphabetical by last name and should not be numbered.
4.	Endnotes for comments only, not citations. No footnotes at all.
5. All tables and figures must be on separate pages at the end, numbered and with captions. In the text, all tables and figures must be referred to and all must have call-outs (" [Figure 1 about here]"). Have call-outs in the body (“[Figure 1 about here]”). Do not embed figures and tables in the body. 6. We can support online supplements and appendices. These are printed only in the online version. Send the supplement in one file (.zip if necessary, but with the zip file containing only the online supplement file or files) under the filename beginning with the lead author name, such as “Smith_Online_Supplement.docx”. Then in the body of the article, enter text such as “see Appendix B [located in the Online Supplement to this article]”. Material in online supplements does not count toward the word count for the manuscript. The main article should be readable in its own right, with the reader having the option to consult more information in the supplement if desired. The essential tables and figures should remain in the main article, with callouts in the body and then appearing on separate pages at the end with captions. These essential tables and figures should be marked with callouts like "[Insert Table 1 about here]". Non-essential figures and tables, along with other supplementary material, should be in the online supplement file. In the body of the main article, they should not have call-outs. Rather there should be some reference to the additional material in the online supplement. For example, "For the breakdown of the sample by demographic group, see Table S2 in the online supplement accompanying this article." Then in the online supplement, have a Table S2 marked as such, with caption. 7. Everything must be double-spaced, even references, except tables are not double-spaced.
8.	Do not use columns or any other special formatting.
9. Use 12 point font (this is needed for page count purposes). Manuscripts over 50 pp. are usually required to be shortened.
10.	Left justify only.
11. Please cite articles from the Social Science Computer Review where appropriate. You can search at this page:
12.	Do use page numbering.
13. In the "Author Information" section, each author must include his or her email address. 14. Replication and critique is at the heart of social science. You must have a note citing where the data may be obtained. We do not publish papers based on proprietary, classified, or otherwise unavailable data. If absolutely necessary, the availability date may be as much as one year in the future, dating from the date of your original manuscript submission. Data availability information should be in a short "Data Availability" section following the "Author Information" section. The data availability statement may refer to the url of an archive through which the anonymized data are available; a statement that the data are available from an author at a given email address; or that the data are available for use under controlled conditions by applying to a board/department/committee whose charge includes making data available for replication; or that

the data may be purchased at a non-prohibitive price from a third party, whose contact information is given. Replication includes any statistical exploration of variables in the model or dataset, not limited to approaches taken by the author, and may involve publication of findings. There is no point to replication kept secret from the scholarly community. The relatively new NSF policy is our lead in this matter. That policy states "Investigators are expected to share with other researchers, at no more than incremental cost and within a reasonable time, the primary data, samples, physical collections and other supporting materials created or gathered in the course of work under NSF grants. Grantees are expected to encourage and facilitate such sharing." ( By extension, it is the responsibility of researchers and review boards to comply with this policy. Though your work may not be NSF-funded, we believe this should be a general principle in support of the scientific process. The alternative, ultimately, would not be having no data availability statement but rather a statement from SSCR that the data are unavailable for replication and consequently findings based on inference from the data should be viewed as unverifiable. 15. If not specified in the body, there must be "Software Availability" section detailing with some specificity what software was used to arrive at reported results and where it may be obtained. In the case of author-originated code (e.g., in R, Stata, SAS), we welcome an appendix or online supplement containing the code. This appendix may be designated for online publication only, particularly if length is an issue. 16. We MUST have the permission forms and author information forms as noted above. Send these in immediately, not waiting for the final manuscript. Submission of signed forms does not constitute acceptance but does expedite manuscripts if accepted.

Helpful Links
• Manuscript guidelines: (note SSCR policy may override general Sage policy; for instance, we do not accept LaTeX submissions)
•	Prior publication:
•	English language editing services:
• Online supplements: sj-guidelines-for-authors
•	Open Access:
•	Open Access II:
•	Open Access III:
•	Publishing policies:

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