Archive for May 2005

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[eccr] Journalism Table of Contents for 1 May 2005; Vol. 6, No. 2

Sun May 01 03:25:51 GMT 2005

>Journalism -- Table of Contents Alert
>A new issue of Journalism
>has been made available:
>1 May 2005; Vol. 6, No. 2
>Crafting cultural resonance: Imaginative power in everyday journalism
>      James S. Ettema
>      Journalism 2005;6 131-152
>'Blogs of war': Weblogs as news
>      Melissa Wall
>      Journalism 2005;6 153-172
>The political j-blogger: 'Normalizing' a new media form to fit old norms
>and practices
>      Jane B. Singer
>      Journalism 2005;6 173-198
>Identity, contingency and rigidity: The (counter-)hegemonic constructions
>of the identity of the media professional
>      Nico Carpentier
>      Journalism 2005;6 199-219
>News about the EU Constitution: Journalistic challenges and media portrayal
>of the European Union Constitution
>      Martin Gleissner and Claes H. de Vreese
>      Journalism 2005;6 221-242
>Book Review: Global News Production
>      Ingrid Volkmer
>      Journalism 2005;6 243-245
>Book Review: Media and Power in Post-Soviet Russia
>      Brian McNair
>      Journalism 2005;6 245-246
>Book Review: Qualitative Research in Journalism: Taking It to the Streets
>      Vivian B. Martin
>      Journalism 2005;6 247-248
>Book Review: From Bevan to Blair: Fifty Years' Reporting from the
>Political Front Line
>      Dominic Wring
>      Journalism 2005;6 249-250
>Book Review: The Man Who Died Twice. The Life and Adventures of Morrison of
>      Philip Castle
>      Journalism 2005;6 250-252
>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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