![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Commlist guidelines![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
ObjectivesThe Commlist is a free (academic) information service to the academic community, and is organised on a voluntary basis. All are welcome to subscribe to this information resource (or not). Its exclusive objective is to disseminate academic information on communication and media studies related conferences, vacancies, and publications.Posting on the CommlistPlease note that reading-the-guidelines help is not provided. There is also no confirmation email.Beforehand
Where to send it to?
What can be posted?
What to include in a posting request?
What NOT to post, and what NOT to include in a posting request?
A few more things not to do:
Subscribing and Unsubscribing to the ListPlease use the (UN)SUBCRIPTION FORM
Because of the aggressive policies of hotmail.com, outlook.com and (windows)live.com, these email addresses will no longer be allowed to subscribe to the Commlist. This also applies to their aliases in other domains but .com (for example hotmail.co.uk and live.cn). If you want to subscribe to the Commlist, you will have to use a different email address. Please also make sure that your provider has the commlist.org domain whitelisted. The Commlist is an independent project. For a few years, during the list manager's vice-presidency there, the Commlist was affiliated with the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). Please note that Commlist postings will not reach the entire ECREA membership, although there is some overlap. Being subscribed to the Commlist definitely does not result in ECREA membership.All information posted on the Commlist, and all requests for postings are public. The Commlist is a non-commercial project. The information distributed by the Commlist should never be used for commercial purposes, and/or to generate financial benefits, for individuals nor for organisations. This includes the practice of harvesting Commlist posting and then only offering them to paying customers and/or members. In contrast, the circulation of Commlist information in other, non-commercial, environments is very much welcomed. This includes the forwarding of Commlist material to other academic and open access mailing lists. Subscribing to the Commlist, or requesting a posting on the Commlist, implies agreement with all mailing list guidelines.
DisclaimerThe Commlist host institution and the Commlist manager can never be held accountable for the material that is distributed, or for the consequences its distribution may have. The distribution of postings on the mailing list does not guarantee their accuracy or legitimacy. Subscribers to (and readers of) the mailing list are invited to always doublecheck the information (e.g., with the organisers, or editors).Mailing List Privacy NoticeBy using the Commlist, your personal data (email address) may be used by the list manager to manage your membership, support you in using this mailing list, to identify problems or to make the mailing list better.If you post messages to this mailing list, be aware that any personal data you share within your email (email address, name and signature information) will be visible to others, also in the mailing list archive. Your email address will continue to be subscribed to the mailing list until you unsubscribe your email address from the mailing list, or contact the mailing list manager at nico.carpentier[at]commlist[dot]org (please use the unsubscribe option first). Any email messages you post to the mailing list will remain in the mailing list web-accessible archives, until you explicitly ask the list manager (at nico.carpentier[at]commlist[dot]org) to remove these details. The Commlist does not use cookies, and does not work with so-called "processors" (or third-party vendors that help the so-called "controller" to provide a service).
Conflict resolution and Problem SolvingIn case you encounter problems, please contact Commlist's manager Nico Carpentier at nico.carpentier[at]commlist[dot]org. In case you have problems unsubscribing, please first carefully check whether you're trying to unsubscribe the correct email address (=the one you've used to subscribe, and not some variation), as this causes 90% of the unsubscription problems.
Location of DataThe mailing list software, the Commlist website and its mailing list archive are located in Estonia. |