Archive for jobs, May 2022

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[Commlist] Horizon 2020 Post-doc researcher position at IULM University, Milan, Italy (Power and counter-power in the platform society)

Wed May 11 11:05:02 GMT 2022

Call for Application: Horizon 2020 Post-doc researcher position at IULM University, Milan, Italy

Topic: Power and counter-power in the platform society

Position: 1-year post-doc researcher

Specifics: Horizon 2020 Project EUMEPLAT- European Media Platforms: Assessing Positive and Negative Externalities for European Culture

Deadline: May 20, 2022 [extension possible]



/EUMEPLAT- European Media Platforms: Assessing Positive and Negative Externalities for European Culture/is a three-year research and innovation project, funded by the European Commission [2021-2024]. Information about the project are available <>.

The project aims at analyzing the role of media platforms in fostering or dismantling a common European identity. We will draw on a precise theoretical assumption, according to which European dimension has rarely been dominant in modern media history. In most cases – i.e., movie, novel, popular music – creative industries revolve around two foci, as market shares are mainly divided among national productions and importations from the most influential countries worldwide. In the case of broadcasting, on the other hand, a regional pattern frequently emerges, alongside with the national one, with properly European exchanges being the exception to the rule, more than the rule. Commercial web platforms are usually owned by American companies, finally, with a new threat appearing in European media landscape.

As claimed by a current paradigm in media studies, we will take into account the “platformization” process, as the rise of new closed architectures, opening up the centralization stage in web history (Helmond,/The Platformization of the Web/, 2015). This will lead us to inquire, according to a well-established protocol, positive and negative/externalities/of platformization: in other words, functional and dis-functional consequences prompted by techno-social innovation. The emphasis on externality, it being a classical concept in both social and economic sciences, stands as a proof of the inter-disciplinary approach we are proposing.

IULM University is the Coordinator, and the responsible of the post-doc position, Andrea Miconi, is the Principal Investigator. The partners involved are: Hans-Bredow-Institut of Hamburg, New Bulgarian University, UNIMED-Union of Mediterranean Universities, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Gent University, Bilkent University of Ankara, ISCTE Lisbon, National and Charles University in Prague.

Post-doc position

The post-doc researcher will contribute to the running project, and particularly to Work-Package 4-Exclusion: Platformization of Media Representations, and Work-Package 5-Power: People and Platforms. A specific focus is expected on power and counter-power in the platform society.

Relevant scientific fields may include:

The role of agency in shaping contemporary European mediascapes;

Social movements and alternative media movements in contemporary Europe;

Audience as a source of agency in European media systems;

Power and counter-power in the network society and in the platform society;

Internet critical theory;

Algorithm versus choice in digital ecosystem.

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