Archive for jobs, March 2016

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[ecrea] PhD/ECR Conference - Saturday 2nd July 2016

Fri Mar 25 16:40:49 GMT 2016

*Call for Papers*

One-Day PhD/ECR Conference**

*Saturday 2nd July 2016*

The *Media Discourse Group* is pleased to announce**a call for
papers*'Researching Social Media Use: Identity, Community and Political
Dissent' *which will take place at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK.

The submission of abstracts for this One-Day Conference is open to PhD
Candidates, Early Career Researchers, and Specialists working in the field.

Keynotes To Be Confirmed.


The conference organising committee welcomes abstracts including – but
not limited to - the following topics:

- identity, diversity, liminality,

- othering, representation, marginalisation

- refugees, asylum seekers, immigration

- riots, conflict, protest, state power

- citizenship, moral campaigns, community

- anti-systemic and progressive protest movements

- consent, surveillance, data mining

- on/offline in/visibility

- public/ private space,

- autonomous zones, urbanisation, gentrification, critical cartography

- space/spaces, place/places, borders, zones

- geographies, remediation, interactivities

- austerity, occupation, technology, debt

- trade unions, solidarity, class, race

- globalisation, neoliberalism, myth, post-capitalism, nationalism

- localisation, glocalisation, post-colonialism, diasporas,

- gender, feminism, post-feminism, patriarchy, sexual politics, queer theory

- far right movements, left wing groups

- Marxism, post-Marxism, ideology, anarchism, activism

- political discourse, cultural events

- music, subcultures, tribes/neo-tribes

- subversive DiY practices

- social theory, methodology and media forms

- audiences, fandom, media theory

- performativity, spectacle, embodiment

- pedagogies, philosophies, popular culture

- memory, perception, subjectivities

- propaganda, memes, cartoons

- film, television, art, illustrations

*Abstract Submission:*

All proposal submissions should be a maximum of 250 words and include:

- Full Title of the Paper

- Full Name, Contact Details and Institutional Affiliation

- A Short Bio (max 100 words)

- Any Requirements (projector, CD/DVD player, etc.)

Presentations will be no more than 20 minutes long. It is recommended
that all video clips should be embedded into a PowerPoint as MP4's prior
to the day and that you also bring a USB with the clips and presentation.

*Deadline for Receipt of Abstracts is 16th May 2016.*


Proposals should be sent as an email attachment with a short bio (max
100 words) to: Media Discourse Group Conference
[(mediadiscoursegroup /at/] <>

You will be notified of acceptance to this one-day conference by 30th
May 2016.

Registration Fees: PhD Candidates - £10 will be payable through
eventbrite between 1^st  and 17^th  June 2016. Details to follow.

There is a limited small bursary to offset travel costs for visiting PhD
research students: these will be disbursed on a first come, first served

Registration Fees: Early Career Researchers - £20.

Registration Fees: Established Academics - £35.

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