Archive for jobs, May 2003

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[eccr] Senior Lecturer in Television - Creative Industries Faculty

Thu May 15 12:08:19 GMT 2003

Senior Lecturer in Television
Creative Industries Faculty

Ongoing appointment

Reference Number:

Creative Industries seeks a Television specialist to lead the 
implementation of an innovative program with production, studies, 
interdisciplinary and workplace elements, leading to new graduate and 
research initiatives. You will be an active researcher with an 
international profile. Knowledge of Asian or European media, and/or 
industry experience, is an advantage.


Salary: $65 291 to $75 291 pa

Benefits available at QUT include 17% employer superannuation 
contributions, a generous study assistance scheme, salary packaging, 
relocation assistance (if applicable), extensive development and training 
programs and access to a range of state-of-the-art facilities.

For further information on Creative Industries, please visit the web site at


General Standard

A senior lecturer is expected to make significant contributions to the 
teaching effort of a school/faculty or other organisational unit or an 
interdisciplinary area. An academic at this level is also expected to play 
a major role in scholarship, research and/or professional activities.

Specific Duties

Specific duties required of a senior lecturer may include:

Academic leadership

·        initiation and development of course material

·        course coordination

·        broad administrative functions

·        attendance at discipline and/or faculty meetings and a major role 
in planning or Committee work

·        providing advice and support to more junior academic staff

Research and scholarship

·        conduct of research

Teaching performance and leadership

·        exercising a significant role in teaching and teaching development 
within the University

·        conduct of tutorials, practical classes, demonstrations, 
workshops, student field excursions, clinical sessions and studio sessions

·        preparation and delivery of lectures and seminars

·        supervision of the program of study of honours students and or 
postgraduate students engaged in course work

·        marking and assessment

·        consultation with students

·        development and promotion of innovative teaching methods

·        production of teaching materials for students for whom the 
academic has responsibility

Professional leadership

·        Substantial involvement in professional activity.


The Television degree is a new course at QUT, which emphasises 
international industry contexts, creativity at all levels of television 
practice, conceptualisation and management principles, and an overall 
commitment to television as a developing medium with many platforms and a 
multi-faceted future.

The course encompasses television industry principles; programming and 
content considerations; regulatory, cultural and social matrices in markets 
within Australia and internationally; and broadcast and online production 
skills and creative specialisation development.

The appointee will be tasked to develop the degree and manage the delivery 
and monitor the quality of an excellent course to a selective group of high 
achieving domestic and international students.

The appointee will scope the prospects for postgraduate coursework and 
research students in the area of Television and the Creative Industries.

In addition to course coordination the appointee will take on lecturing 
duties in core television units, will be expected to take a leadership role 
in funded research activities in the Faculty, and to contribute to 
innovatory integration of research praxis in Television into the Creative 
Industries precinct.


Subject to the demonstration of an ability to undertake the duties 
prescribed for the position and the possession of the necessary skills 
required for the position, to be appointed as a senior lecturer, a 
candidate must meet the following selection criteria to the satisfaction of 
the selection panel and the dean/head of division:

·        completion of a doctoral qualification in the relevant discipline 
area or equivalent accreditation or standing;

·        meritorious level of attainment in two of the four areas of 
achievement, namely teaching performance and leadership, research, 
scholarship and other creative activity, academic leadership and 
professional leadership at least one of which must be in teaching 
performance and leadership or research, scholarship and other creative 

·        satisfactory level of attainment in the two remaining areas of 

An applicant who does not meet one or more of the selection criteria, but 
who is considered by the selection panel to have the potential to do so 
within the period of probation or term of appointment, may be appointed 
with the panel recommending participation in staff development during the 
probation period or term of appointment. In such cases the letter of offer 
of appointment shall state specific matters to which the staff development 
is to be directed.

Equivalent standing can be demonstrated by comparison of attainment in 
areas relevant to academic employment with the standard attained in a 
doctoral degree in the relevant discipline area.

Satisfactory attainment is defined as:
    * With respect to academic leadership satisfactory attainment means 
that applicants must have participated regularly in administrative 
functions within a University.
    * With respect to teaching performance and leadership satisfactory 
attainment means that applicants must provide evidence that they have at 
least carried out the teaching duties reasonably assigned to them by their 
Head of School with an acceptable level of competence, and a record of at 
least `average' reports from formal student evaluations of teaching.
    * With respect to research and scholarship satisfactory attainment 
means that applicants must have established a record of research and 
scholarly activity normally evidenced by continuing publications in 
refereed journals, books, conferences, or appropriate non-print media.
    * With respect to professional leadership satisfactory attainment means 
that applicants have participated regularly in the affairs of relevant 
professional bodies and community groups and/or in professional practice 
and/or in development of continuing education programs for the profession.

Meritorious attainment is defined as:
    * With respect to academic leadership meritorious attainment entails 
the conditions for satisfactory attainment in this area, together with 
evidence of leadership and/or innovation on more than a minor scale within 
a University.
    * With respect to teaching performance and leadership meritorious 
attainment entails the conditions for satisfactory achievement in this 
area, with the additional requirement that independent evidence is provided 
to support a claim of notable achievement in regard to leadership and 
instruction of University students or staff and innovations in and 
leadership of teaching in a discipline. Such independent evidence may 
include formal evaluations consistently at an `above average' standard by 
current or past course participants and senior colleagues and evaluations 
of teaching materials for use in universities.
    * With respect to research and scholarship meritorious attainment 
entails the conditions of satisfactory achievement in this area, with the 
additional requirement that the applicant is actively engaged in scholarly 
work of high order and has attained significant external recognition, for 
example by publication, demonstrated where available by reference to 
citation statistics.
    * With respect to professional leadership meritorious attainment 
entails the conditions for satisfactory attainment in this area, plus the 
expectation that applicants have taken, for example, an active and 
influential role in relevant professional bodies and/or community groups; 
such leadership could be demonstrated by regular presentations at 
conferences and by the taking of a leadership role in relevant national and 
international organisations.

Smoking is not permitted in QUT buildings, inside QUT vehicles or in any 
area not designated as a smoking area.

FURTHER INFORMATION: Before submitting an application, applicants should 
refer to all additional information listed at (see Jobs at QUT) 
regarding conditions of employment, applying for positions and information 
about the University. For further clarification about this position, after 
reading the selection criteria and duty statement, contact Associate 
Professor Stephi Donald on (07) 38644390, e-mail: 
<mailto:(bf.fitzgerald /at/>(sj.donald /at/ If you require 
further information on conditions of employment contact the Human Resources 
Department on (07)       or e-mail:                      .

APPLICATIONS: Applications and envelopes should quote            . 
Applications must systematically address the selection criteria and include 
evidence of academic qualifications and experience plus the names, address 
(postal and/or e-mail), phone and fax numbers of three referees. Applicants 
should include copies of teaching evaluations and up to three of their best 
publications, highlighted on their application with an asterisk. Applicants 
should attach the 
cover sheet to their application.


Please submit your application via ONE of the methods below.

E-mail: <mailto:(jobapplications /at/>(jobapplications /at/
Post: The Associate Director, HR Client Services, QUT, GPO Box 2434, 
Brisbane, Qld. 4001
Fax: (07) 3864 4188
In Person: Level 3, X Block, Gardens Point campus, 2 George Street, Brisbane.

Closing date for this position is               . After the closing date, 
you can check the status of the recruitment process at 
QUT is an equal opportunity employer and employer of choice for women.

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University Brussels
Studies on Media, Information & Telecommunication (SMIT)
Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
Office: C0.05
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.30
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.28.61
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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