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[Commlist] "Network & Music" Session @ Sunbelt25 | Call for Abstracts
Wed Jan 15 22:04:12 GMT 2025
We are excited to welcome your contributions for
Sunbelt Conference 2025 <https://sunbelt2025.org/>:
“Network and Music : Empirical Approaches” Session
Abstract Deadline: 20th Feb. 2025
Conference: June 23rd - 29th 2025
More Details: (link
Musical practicesare fundamentally networked, from collaborative
production processes to interconnected consumption behaviours. Network
analysis helps examine these complex dynamics: in music production,
creation involves a dense web of individual and institutional actors
(e.g., artists, producers, labels, media channels, government agencies),
embedded within specific locations and supported by infrastructures like
studios, venues, and offices. In music consumption, engagement follows
networked logics, from promotion to social recommendations and
algorithmic suggestions. Individualised digital consumption traces from
streaming platforms and other websites provide insights into collective
patterns via advanced network analysis, revealing relationships between
listeners, songs, and artists. Additionally, embeddings commonly
utilised by personalised recommender systems are built upon intricate
networks of item co-occurrences, and potentially introduce biases that
can significantly shape listening behaviours.
Mapping the connections between artists, industry players, places,
audiences and musical objects using network analysis techniques provides
a deeper insight into the social, spatial, economic and algorithmic
forces shaping the music landscape. This session takes an
interdisciplinary approach, integrating perspectives from geography,
sociology, economics, media studies, cultural studies, and computer
science. We are interested in a vast array of empirical material, from
surveys to web-generated data. We aim to empirically address questions
such as:
How do networks facilitate innovation and influence the success of
artists and songs?
How do physical location and mobility affect the network position of
What insights can network analysis provide about the global flows
and the local dynamics of music?
How do musical networks evolve over time?
What do musical networks unveil about power and inequality in the
music industry?
Can network analysis offer a better understanding of music
collectivities from digital consumption traces?
Can network analysis help us understand the effects of recommender
systems and information representation (e.g. embeddings) in music?
By engaging with these themes, this session seeks to push the boundaries
of network analysis in music research, presenting new empirical
material, methodologies and insights that resonate across multiple
disciplines. Please submit your abstract (max 250 words) on the Sunbelt
2025 submission page <https://sunbelt2025.org/deadlines/> beforeFebruary
20th 2025 for an oral presentation. Both in-person and online
presentation are accepted, though in-person is preferred.
Session organisers
(myriam.boualami /at/ parisgeo.cnrs.fr) <mailto:(myriam.boualami /at/ parisgeo.cnrs.fr)>
(dougal.shakespeare /at/ cmb.hu-berlin.de)
<mailto:(dougal.shakespeare /at/ cmb.hu-berlin.de)>
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